Noah's Journey

Contractions started 2-12-14
After the membrane sweep at my doctor appointment (39w7 the day before my due date/ 40w) I started to have minor cramps and contractions which I thought was BH at the time. About 4:00pm they were still there and starting to form a pattern.
About 1am 2-13-14 the contractions were bearable but we're feeling different from BH contractions to me. They were anywhere from 8-5 minutes apart. Around 3:45am I tried to go to sleep but woke up at 4:20am because the contractions were becoming sharp and still close together and my back was hurting a little. I decided to called my doctor and she told me to go ahead to the hospital. At this time Me and DH got our stuff together and when I went to the bathroom I seen some of the "bloody show".

We left the house at 5:25am and got to the hospital at 5:31am. I had to do some short paperwork and was then taken in the back at 5:54am. DH went to the waiting room until 6:08am when they called him back to my room where they had me hooked up and monitoring the contractions and Noah's heartbeat. I was 3cm 75% effaced (the same from my appointment the day before) and contractions were 2-5 minutes apart. At 8:50am the doctor came and checked me and I was 4cm 80% effaced so she admitted me. At 10:35am my midwife came in checked my cervix, I was 6cm and 90% effaced. She broke her water and said there was meconium in the sack.
I took a shower and sat in the rocking chair eating jello and frozen ice since that's all I could have. Then took a nap for about 30-45 minutes 12:20-1:00pm. My midwife came 2:45pm and checked my cervix but I was still 6cm. Me and DH went walking until 3:10pm contractions increased to 2 minutes. They put me back on the monitor to check his heartbeat and contraction.

My midwife came in at 4:45pm. Noah was turned to the side not face down. I was 100%effaced and about 7cm. The nurse started the pitocin bag at 5:30pm and increased the dosage at 6:00pm and 6:08pm. I got sick and nausea and the pain was becoming unbearable so they gave me a small amount morphine in my IV to take the edge off. The pain got a little better to handle. My midwife came in at 8:55pm to check and I was 8cm. They positioned the bed in a sitting position and at 9:15pm I was ready to push. The nurse had to find the mid wife and get everybody ready since he had pooped in the bag. Everybody rushed in the room and over the next 5 or six contractions and pushing for each one baby Noah was born.

His was born on February 13th (his due date) at 9:36pm Weighting 7lbs 13oz and 20in long. While they cleaned him off and got him together, I delivered the placenta, and got six stitches, three for each tear. I had two small 2nd degree tears on the inside my vagina which actually isn't too bad I keep forgetting they're there. Me,DH, and Noah are all happy and handling things well. DH was and has been such a big help and major supporter. He actually had every detail already took down about my labor even though I never asked or mentioned it to him. He'll be home with me and Noah for the first month since he had so much vacation time which will be a big help.