DS will be 18 months soon and I still haven’t written my birth story. I figure why not do it now before I forget or before I start confusing it with baby #2 due in August.

DS was due October 23 2012. I had a normal uncomplicated pregnancy. I worked full time as a Retail Manager so I was on my feet moving 9+ hours a day.

I had my 37 week appointment on October 2 2012. At this appointment we did my strep b test and my OB check to see if there was anything going on. DS was sitting low but I was not dilated or effaced. After we left this appointment DH and I had lunch with my Grandparents because the next day was my birthday and we had plans for our Maternity Photo-shoot. After lunch we did our walk through of the hospital.

That evening we watched Look Who's Talking with SIL but I wasn't feeling very well so I kick her out to go to bed around 10:30. I woke up at 12 and had an apple to eat then went back to bed. My water broke an hour later at 1am. Que panic. My hospital bag wasn't packed, DH had a work thing at 6am that he need to find a cover for and honestly I wasn't really sure what to do.

We arrived at the hospital at 1:30. They kept asking if I was sure my water broke. I mean how can you confuse that with peeing or any other bodily fluids. Whatever. They did the blue strip test and sure enough my water was broken and I was in labor. I was admitted at 2am, at 3cm having contractions every 2 min and I wasn't even feeling them.

Since we did not have the results of my strep b because it was only tested the day before I had to have an IV and antibiotics. I labored on the ball for a pretty long time and was doing great. Around 5 am a nurse walked in with a box and started placing it on my IV stand. I guess my doctor recommended that we start Pitocan at 6am if I wasn't progressing at the rate they would have preferred.

I was very disappointed with this. I really had not had the "birth plan" talk with my doctor because I didn't think it would be happening so soon after my appointment. I guess I just figured I had more time.

I let them start the Pitocan with out asking many questions even though I didn't want it. That’s when the contractions really started picking up. DS's heart-rate kept dropping during contractions and they made me get off the ball and had me lay on my left side in bed with the Oxygen on. YUCK! At this point the nurse was encouraging me to get an Epi and even had the anesthesiologist come in and ask me questions "just in case" I changed my mind on it. Okay, Fine. One of the first questions out of this guys mouth was "Are you in pain?" ARE YOU EFFIN' KIDDING ME!!! Now I didn’t want to get an Epi out of spite.

Next, I changed my position to sitting with my legs crosses and it was much easier to labor in this position. This is where things get fuzzy. The pain was incredible. I had wonderful support from my nurse and DH. Around 9:45am we did a couple practice pushes and by 10am the whole delivery team was in my room. With every contraction and push DS heart-rate would drop so I had to wear the oxygen mask in-between contractions and I was even asked at one point to not push during the next contraction. YEA RIGHT! I literally did not have a choice. My body was pushing regardless. The next thing I knew I felt a sharp pain and my OB told me she had to do an episiotomy. Awesome! Van was born during the next few pushes arriving at 10:27am on October 3 2012 and was 6lb 3oz and 19.5 inches. We will also forever share a birthday.

I was showered and eating lunch when our parents were able to come into the room at noon. I felt great!

And of course a photo to show him off!