It seems all anyone tells me is how easy their second baby was compared to their first--most people give credit to the nature of the baby and some give credit to themselves for being more experienced and more inclined to CIO, etc.
Our first has been developmentally pretty early and has a fantastic and social personality, but he was not what I'd call an "easy" baby. He has always been stubborn, didn't nap as an infant, and when I sleep trained him out of mental necessity at 4.5 months it was worse than any battle of wits I've heard of on HB or elsewhere (afterwards he became an A+ sleeper thank goodness). anyway, he's terrific, he's just not a very chill little dude.
I'm having a girl in a month and I've realized I'm sort of totally banking on her being easier at large. Is this a totally foolish assumption? Was your second baby easier, or is it a crap shoot of baby personality?