Sorry this is so long...

So our nanny, who we ADORE and is a family friend. has been pushing us to start feeding Liv solids since she was about 3.5 months old (Shes 5 months now) "because she is so interested and watches us eat!" I insisted that no, she wouldnt have solids until she was 6 months or until she needed it. She doesnt show signs of hunger after BFing and has been on a consistent amount of expressed BM since I went back to work when she was 3 months old. No signs of needing solids. Nanny keeps pushing it, I keep saying NO.

So this morning I change Liv's diaper and immediately notice that its a banana poop. DH and I have let her taste things here and there, but small bites and not full servings. I recognized the black strings in there and immediately knew. When she got here this morning, she nonchalantly mentions "oh yeah, when she woke up from her nap, I mushed up about this much banana and fed it to her, she LOVED it!" Im pissed. To me, this is unacceptable, you dont just go and do that, right? Ive flat out told her no in the past, how do I get it across that this is NOT ok and she needs to respect our decisions? Im not starving my child here, shes 90th percentile for weight and height. Her doctors are very comofortable with our waiting until 6 months. And what if she'd had some sort of allergic reaction? She didnt tell me this yesterday. Im so annoyed...