This is super long....apologies in advance.

I'm not sure my 5 month old is adjusting well to our nanny and I'm really not sure how to handle it. She's been with us for almost 7 weeks and she is still unable to calm my daughter if she becomes very upset and about half the time, cannot put her down for a nap without a lot of tears. She recently told me (not in a mean way) that my LO was the most difficult baby she's ever handled. The thing is - she's not that difficult. She takes short naps, which I know can be frustrating and lead to her being fussy, but we don't experience the full on meltdowns that she is having with the nanny.

We have cameras throughout our apartment (she knows they are there) so I know she's not doing anything crazy, but she just doesn't seem to be particularly empathetic. For example, yesterday LO was being fussy while drinking her bottle - she was tired and also has a bit of reflux - but it turned into a full blown hysterical cry fest because instead of giving her a break or talking to/comforting her in some way, she just keep trying to put the nipple in her mouth.

This nanny came very highly recommended and my daughter seems to enjoy playing with her and smiles when she sees her in the morning, but I feel like this has been going on for long enough. I have tried not to micromanage and let them find their own way of doing things, but it's clearly not working and I'm at a loss of how to handle this. I can address the specific issues with her (don't force the bottle if she doesn't want it) but I'm not sure how to address the fact that she's not being loving enough. That sounds so sad

I'm really feeling like this may not be a good fit, but before I make a rash decision, I wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions. Thanks.