We have a new nanny share with a nanny who is a friend of the family. Some of you may remember that we had to fire our last nanny from a nanny share due to her conduct with our children. Our new nanny knows all of this. She has worked for us for almost a month and three nannies have approached her while she was out and about with LO at 3 separate locations to talk to her about the past nanny and what happened.

One of those incidents happened this week and the woman who approached our current nanny knew more than we did about some of the stuff that happened with our last nanny. This woman also followed new nanny around the playground, left her two kids she was caring for, to try and talk/gossip. And with knowing all of the bad stuff still warned our new nanny about US! She said, "Oh so-and-so's Mom (me) was so nice and friendly with the nanny but you see what happened, they just fired her so be careful." How can this woman as a nanny who knew all the shit that went down with our last nanny say this crap?

I'm not saying that there aren't some parents who are overbearing but these nannies know what happened and are still warning my current nanny. That makes me upset and kind of scared, because if they thought our former nanny's behavior was acceptable, I wouldn't want them taking care of my kids.

Just venting.