My 5-week old loves to sleep in our arms/on our chests, but hates being put down. If we want to put him down, we have to pretty much rock him/calm him until he's in a deep sleep, then veeeery carefully put him down. This sometimes works, but the longest he'll last is probably an hour (and often it's WAY less) before screaming and needing to be picked up and soothed again. It's a very long and tiring process for everyone.

I know this is too early to do any type of sleep training, I'm just wondering if anyone else went through this kind of things with their babies, and if so, when/how did they grow out of it. I read about others whose babies are sleeping beautifully in their bassinets/cribs/swings from the early weeks, and I am so envious.

I know all babies are different and have different temperaments.. ours happens to be pretty fussy/colicky... but if you experienced a similar situation, I'd love to know how you got through it. I've been diagnosed with PPD/PPA and know that his unfortunate sleeping habits are a big contribution to what I'm going through, so just looking for a bit of hope.

Also at what point did you bring any sort of structure to your baby's napping/sleeping? I.e. putting them "down" for naps in a quiet area, vs just letting them sleep wherever you are, with noise around, etc. I don't really have any structure because his sleep is so unpredictable that if I'm lucky enough to get him to fall asleep, I just kind of keep him wherever he is... i.e. on top of me, while I'm watching TV during the day. I hope to eventually get to a point where I can actually put him in his pack 'n play for a couple hours but he just won't go for it now!