Hi Bees
I'm hoping I can get some help from you moms to write my birth plan. I'm reading Ina May's guide to natural birth and I saw the documentary 'the business of being born'. I'm a little stressed about all the information I have now. I'm a control freak. So even though i want a med free birth, i don't want to lose sight of the bigger picture. I don't want to put too much pressure on myself. Because i know if i make a plan and it doesn't work out that way i'll blame myself for a long time.
Few things I'm wondering about is - Is it possible to have a med free birth in a hospital with an ob?
- As this is our first baby I don't think we have the courage for a home birth or going with a midwife. But my worry is I will be pressured into interventions that i don't need at the hospital. Is that common with Obs and hospitals?
- Any other advice that you may have for me when writing a birth plan?
Thank you!