wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@jetsa: oh they just kept offering me ice water. No iv for hydration. I didn't throw up though so maybe if I had been they would have?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@looch: I'm fine with a heplock, I'm trying to avoid an iv just because it doesn't seem necessary.
@foodnerd81: hopefully I can convince them a heplock is enough and I'll take fluids if I can't keep myself hydrated.
nectarine / 2522 posts
How have I not seen this thread before!? I am planning for a med free natural birth. I have been practicing hypnobirthing methods.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: thanks for joining us!
And apparently an iv is the least of my worries, the dr today mentioned a section due to baby size. I go back the 16th to get remeasured.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@jetsa: That really scares me. I have GD and I'm afraid that as time goes on they will push for an automatic section. So far little miss is measuring on track and I've lost some weight on the diet, but when I talked to a nurse and she said, "Well, we just don't want you having a 9 lb. baby," I started to freak out a bit.
I don't think they can force you to have a c-section though.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@evansjamie: yea I was shocked, this was the only time I've seen a different provider so I hope in 2 weeks my midwife clears it all up. I measured 2 weeks ahead at my 31 week ultrasound and that's what caused all the talk, how about we just go with the baby is going to be early...not that I'm going to need a section.
pear / 1992 posts
@jetsa: A heplock was also required at my hospital. I got about 10 minutes of fluids at the end of pushing but I completely welcomed them because I wasn't going anywhere at that point and they were cold and I was burning up and sweating so much! They warned me that it would be cold and I'm pretty sure my response was, "awesome!".
Just wanting to also say congrats and good labor/delivery thoughts to you mamas planning a med-free birth. I delivered my daughter with no interventions/medication back in November of 2012 along with the help of my husband, midwife and nurse. It was the best experience of my life (hard, yes but definitely still the best). Hoping you are all able to have the birth you desire!
cherry / 199 posts
@Mrs squirreld I also can't believe I did not see this thread before. Are you doing Hypnobabies course? I am doing the at home course and have been listening to the tracks.
@jetsa I would not let them pressure you into a section just because they think your baby is going to be big if that is not what you want. I have read a lot about this in various books and they all say that "big baby" does not make a section mandatory.
I also am hoping to just get a heplock instead of an IV. I talked to my doctor about not having continuous fetal monitoring and he said that we would discuss it as we got closer but that it is his preference that I labor at home as long as possible and by the time I get to the hospital I will be ready to be in bed pushing anyway.
persimmon / 1304 posts
@jetsa: My hospital typically requires an IV, but after a discussion my doc was okay with a hep lock. I drank water and ate ice chips the whole time and dehydration was not an issue!
Good luck to all of you ladies! I had a natural birth with my daughter in May! I prepared a lot (did Hypnobabies, went to natural childbirth class and read many books). I loved knowing what to expect and learning how to assert myself to get the birth I wanted. It was not easy, but it was totally worth it! I hope you all get to have your ideal births!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsClownfish: I've never heard this from my provider and she should deliver my baby so I'm hoping that it will go away when I see her next Friday. Also laboring at home is my plan but I'm almost an hour from the hospital so I don't know when to leave. I think transition in the car would be HORRID!
cherry / 199 posts
@jetsa lucky for me the hospital is literally 2 miles from my house so at most it is a 5-10 minute drive in the most horrid traffic. I am worried about being Group B Strep positive which means I would have to go to the hospital as soon as my water breaks.
Is anyone thinking about declining cervical checks?
pear / 1571 posts
@MrsClownfish: Me. But I'm birthing at home with a midwife and that's pretty much standard practice for her anyways. As long as I seem to be progressing through the phases like I normally do, I don't want any checks- I get too hung up on numbers.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@MrsClownfish: I'm considering declining as well. I don't care to know if I've progressed or not at this stage (almost 32 weeks), and my last exam was so uncomfortable that I'd rather not repeat it.
@jetsa: I'm planning on laboring at home, but my hospital is 15 minutes away in good conditions and more like 45-60 minutes if traffic is bad or they are doing roadwork. I'm hoping we're making the hospital run in the middle of the night.
cherry / 199 posts
@evansjamie yea since cervical checks do not indicate when you will go into labor I don't see how they are that helpful but I wonder if my curiosity will win out.
pear / 1571 posts
@MrsClownfish: Oops, sorry, thought you meant cervical checks IN labor, lol.
apricot / 284 posts
We just finished our antenatal classes this week so today I decided to sit down and write my 'not-a-plan-birth-plan' lol. Having learnt a bit more about pain relief options and assisted delivery I'm less fearful of some of those now, but still planning to try and go as natural as possible for labor and delivery... BUT... I'm debating over whether or not to go for a 'managed' 3rd stage (i.e have syntometrine injection to deliver the placenta rather than wait it out to deliver naturally) - but I only want this if the midwives can delay cord-clamping first.
Anyone else out there debating over managed vs 'natural' 3rd stage?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsClownfish: I have my group b strep test at my next appointment and I'm worried about the same thing. I haven't had a cervical check yet (33 weeks) but I don't think I'll turn them down. My office won't start them until 37+ weeks anyway.
@evansjamie: I'm hoping the same thing. My motherly intution is that I'll be late and it'll be the middle of the night, although at this point I don't think they'll let me go too late.
cherry / 199 posts
@FarmWifeGina either/or. A lot of my reading has said that cervical checks during labor just increase the chance of infection once your water has broken
pear / 1571 posts
@MrsClownfish: Yeah, in my experience, cervical checks during labor tell you about as much as they do prior to labor. It's just not a reliable indicator as to how your labor is progressing or how long it will take. With my second birth, a hospital birth, I labored for over 20 hours at home and arrived at the hospital *only* at a 4 (I had left a little early because I could feel things starting to ramp up and knew things could go fast and didn't want to chance having my baby somewhere along the lonely 50 miles of North Dakota highway between our house and the hospital- in February, no less), 3.5 hours later I was *only* at a 6 (and sooooo disappointed since it took me 7 hours to go from 6 to complete with my first birth) and 20 minutes after that I had a baby in my arms. So yeah, this time I'm just going without any checks, if my labor behaves similarly to my first two. My body has never failed to tell me when it was time to push, lol.
clementine / 984 posts
I'm not a Sept. mama, but I'm hoping to go med-free as well (as long as there are no actual circumstances requiring intervention). Thankfully, a friend of mine has successfully delivered her first child med-free after Bradley classes, and I have another girlfriend due in Sept. who's planning to be as intervention free as possible. Other than that, almost all of the women in my life are pushing meds/interventions/etc, so it's a bit disheartening. I'm glad that there's a natural birth discussion post, I hope y'all don't mind me joining.
@FarmWifeGina: I love seeing you post. As a former ND-er, I would totally have had you as a doula! Thankfully, I've found one or two women here in MN that are close to my location, so hopefully we click with one of them.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@indi: Nope the more the merrier! I really need to figure out how the change the post location, but I'm clueless.
clementine / 984 posts
@jetsa: Oh! Under the OP but above the blue comments bar, you should see the option for adding tags and then an option for "move this entire topic to:" with a drop down of all the different locations. I just found this option, how handy!
pomelo / 5469 posts
@evenstar982: Yes, me! My midwife asked me about that today as we were working through my birth plan and I said I was still undecided. Actually, I think I kind of want to have a natural 3rd stage... unless I've had a terrible ordeal up to that part and I just want it over with asap! She said that was sensible!
clementine / 984 posts
I'm so excited, bees! I found a group of natural birth moms in my community (which is small, so I was super surprised!) who hold meetings once a month for information and sharing and support.
As a bonus, 3 or 4 of them are doulas! I'd only found 2 doulas within 50 miles, so that was such a blessing. Yahoo!
Does anyone else meet with any other natural birth supporters or groups in your town?
pear / 1571 posts
@evenstar982: I've never had a managed 3rd stage and my placenta was delivered within 10-15 minutes both times. Honestly, that part has never been a big deal, I've been wrapped up in my new babies and a little blissed out and then someone was like, oh, here's the placenta and out it came. Of course, I've never needed stitches or any kind of repair afterwards, so that's basically all my third stages have consisted of. I'm not sure it would go any faster with a shot, but I'm not sure I'd want to deal with Pitocin contractions right after giving birth either. Afterpains are bad enough as it is.
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