DD is almost 10 weeks old. For the past few weeks, we've been trying to put her down for naps and it just isn't working! We swaddle, rock, put her in the swing, use blackout curtains and sound machine. I've tried putting her down drowsy and completely asleep. She always falls asleep easily but is wide awake within 20-30 minutes and then gets really overtired and is cranky for the rest of the day. If I let her nap on me she'll sleep for 1.5 hours easily... she sleeps very well at night.
I'm going back to work in a few weeks and even though my mom will be providing most of the childcare, I don't want her to have to spend all day with DD napping on her chest on the couch! Is there anything else we can try?? If you WOTH, what did you do about naps when you went back to work?