I just stopped the pill 5 or 6 months ago. The first two cycles were odd, but still present-

Cycle #1 was still as if I were on the pill- light and came exactly when I was expected to have it when I was on the pill.

Cycle #2 was almost 40 days long.

Cycle #3 I started OPKs and temp charting at this point and found out that I was getting + opks and ovulating around CD 19. The problem is, AF was coming around CD 28, leaving me with a 9 day LP.

Cycle #4 I started B6. LP lengthened to 10-12+ days the last 2 cycles. Last cycle I thought for sure I was pregnant because my temps remained elevated (although I had BFNs) and period started around CD 30. Started using pre-seed as well.

Cycle #5: This cycle, I dropped temp monitoring (was stressing me out) but continued OPKs. Ovulated again around CD 17. I just got my period on CD # 34. Had a BFN on CD 32.

Any suggestions on things to try?
Are my cycles regular? 28-34 days in length?

When should I start to get concerned? I know they say 12 months is when you should worry, but is 6 months of TTC really the average? Is that taking into consideration those who have been on the pill for years?
I should have stopped the pill months prior to TTC