I am a foster mom with a new sibling group placement. This is our current issue with our daycare. Our fd is 2 and her teacher says that she will not nap during naptime. We have talked with her many times about our fd and things we've noticed with her. We cannot get her to nap a majority of the time as well. It seems like each week a new issue is brought up and she has said many things ranging from fd is delayed in speech, she does not respond to timeouts, she cries when it is time to nap. A lot of these issues we've talked through with her, and this daycare is the first choice of our local dcfs. Meaning, they have had a lot of experience with foster children and work closely with dcfs.

Fd has been going to this daycare since November and I've picked up fd each time her teacher called saying she was crying uncontrollably and keeping other children awake. The other children would be sleeping as I got there, which is a five minute commute from work and fd would be sitting on her teachers lap. Teacher mentioned other parents asking why their child is sleeping on the way home from daycare, we pick her up between 5:00 pm - 5:30 after work. We thought it was a result of visits, and at the teachers request have changed visitation hours and days twice, and fd has not had visitation for two weeks. Her teacher suggested we pick her up at 11am and drop her off after 2pm everyday to allow the other children to nap. We drop her off between 8:30 am - 9:00 am.

I'm not sure how to handle the situation, have any of you bees been through a similar situation with your child's teacher, whether it be with foster child or your biological child? How did you handle it, how would you handle this?