We have had a long road with infertility and today.... AGAIN, my period showed up! We have been ttc for 3 years, I have had a laparoscopy, 2 HSG's, clomid challenge tests, 7 total IUI's, 3 of those were with injectable medications and a trigger shot. I have had no success at all and I am losing it. I have been back and forth from hopeful to completely hopeless, I have questioned everything from my faith to my marriage, I have been through so many emotions and I am scared that it may never happen. We are going to our RE to discuss IVF next week, but with my age (41), we are not sure it is even an option. The most follicles I have ever had is 3 and that is with the injections. I am unsure of egg quality, so I think that may be the issue. So on that note, if anyone who is older maternal age like myself who has had success, or anyone with DOR, I could really use a success story! We are considering paying the extra for the ICSI to increase our chances, but this is all going to mean we have to get a 2nd mortgage on our home! That means we have ONE chance and I am scared to death!!! Please someone help and share with me your experiences with IVF!