I'd really love some thoughts / suggestions / opinions on dealing with a wee babe who doesn't like to lie down in her cot.

My wee girl is a very active eight month old who is busy crawling, climbing and starting to cruise along the furniture. She has always been a reasonable sleeper but the last two months have been pretty rough due to the appearance of six (!) new teeth and all the developmental stuff she's had going on. We've been surviving sleep with a combo of bed-sharing and independent sleep in her cot.

I usually nurse to sleep for naps and bedtime and transferring her to the cot has never been too much of an issue. Prior to her hitting six months old she was capable of "self-soothing" and could happily put herself to sleep but with her new ability to stand, unless she's asleep when she goes in the cot she just stands herself right up again and hollers! I'm pretty sure that she's having trouble switching off because of all her new skills and development that she has going on.

The last couple of nights she's woken each time I've tried to transfer her to the cot and this has resulted in lots of shouting and tears from both of us! Tonight I resorted to lying her down and leaning over her while using my torso to stop her sitting / standing up while patting her back, she cried for a few minutes and finally fell asleep. I'm not sure how I feel about physically "restraining" her in order to get her to sleep but I feel like I'm running out of ways to get her to sleep and I'm complete uncomfortable with leaving her to cry in her cot for more than a few minutes while I collect myself (and hope that she might just lie down on her own accord!).

Does anybody have an suggestions or ideas that I could try?

Thanks in advance and apologies for the novel