eggplant / 11716 posts
I read an article somewhere that was so true---it seems like the "recommendations" are soon going to be to only lay your infant down on a bare wooden floor, in a room with no furniture or bedding, with only a diaper on them.
Of course, the baby won't ever sleep--but then no risk of SIDS, right? And mommies don't need sleep, right?
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Anagram: yes! But then there will be an article about the risks associated with baby not getting enough sleep... meanwhile there have been plenty of times I should not have been behind the wheel because I was just so tired it wasn't safe.
I can remember the recommendation to room share until 6 months when my 3 year old was born. We lasted 6 weeks because we were waking each other up too much. Our younger was in our room much longer, then we had to move her into the master bathroom because she was waking me all night and a mom that tired is a biggger risk than the extra few feet separating us.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
With #1, she slept in a pack n play next to our bed for 8 months (until we moved into a house where she had her own room haha) and with #2, she slept IN the bed with us until about 7 months!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@Anagram: My newborn is currently bedsharing with me because that is the only way any of us get sleep. I put her in the PNP some but it is a nusance to keep getting up to get her for feedings.
clementine / 806 posts
honestly, my first thought was "thank goodness DS is over a year old, and we're not planning to have another". We ALL (DS included!) slept so much better when DS moved to his crib full time at 7 weeks. I can't imagine sharing a room for a full year.
I understand why they recommend it, and am glad if it works for other families, but it would have been a disaster in our house and knowing I was going against the recommendation would have just made my PPA even worse.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
There was no way this would have worked in our last apartment--our bedroom was about 6 inches wider than our bed, and having a bassinet at the foot of the bed meant that you couldn't open the closet door. We spent the first 2 weeks of lo1's life sleeping on the pullout couch in our living room, and then about 2 weeks with the bassinet in our room blocking the closet, but I would nurse motn in her nursery bc it was more spacious and she would wake up every time I walked her down the hallway back to our room. She was in the crib in her own room starting around 1 month. Between a monitor and being so close by anyway, it was fine.
With lo2, we have room for a bassinet now to be in our room for longer, and since the kiddos will share a room we definitely will want her to stay in with us for awhile, but 6 months-1year is a long time!
pomegranate / 3411 posts
DS1 and DS2 were in their cribs by 5 and 6.5 months, respectively. However i've had beds in their rooms as well that i end up spending a lot of time sleeping on with them or with them in their crib, so i guess we are still partially room sharing for part of the night for at least a year, basically until they stop waking me up during the night! For DS1, that was around 13 months. DS2 is almost 9 months.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I wanted to create a safe sleeping environment, but at the same time, I needed to be realistic...I looked at all of the risk factors that contribute to SIDS and then made my decisions from there. What worked out best for us was to have a crib in the nursery as well as a futon where an adult could lay down.
I know a lot of people thought this was a terrible idea, but it worked for us.
pear / 1521 posts
LO slept in our room for 8 months. We would have moved her at 6 but we were renovating our house and her room wasn't ready until then. She slept in a RNP for about 3 months and then a pack n play. We are in a bigger bedroom now so I imagine baby number 2 we will set up a crib in our room so it's more comfy.
Now nobody was sleeping super great for many of those months but I simply cannot imagine putting my young infant in a different room to sleep. And I think we would have just been sleeping worse if I was constantly going back and forth between our room and hers.
nectarine / 2521 posts
I serve on an infant fatality board for 5 counties in my state. In 10 years I have seen multiple SIDS deaths, but never one yet that didn't have some underlying health factor, such as heart problems or environmental problems. I know SIDS is presented as such an "unknown" but from my experience and what our panel receives, it is mostly related to health and sleeping environment.
Obviously I am not a doctor, but I find it hard to believe there is a lot of risk in putting my healthy, normal weight baby in his own crib with the safety recommendations of no blanket,pillow, etc.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Our first was only in our room for the first 5 weeks. We just kept waking each other up and he was so noisy.
But our second will be in our room much longer. We only have a two bedroom house so until the baby is sleeping consistently he will be in our room. But at least now I know about white noise machines! I'm really hoping that along with a soft light will help.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Tanjowen: my question to DH last night when talking about this was, do the babies actually gasp for breathe? Otherwise even if she is in our room, and I am dead asleep, I don't see myself waking up.
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