I want to meet this LO! Eesh.

Water broke on the 14th in grand movie fashion all over my bathroom floor at 8:00am (thank goodness it wasn't at work!). I showered and went to work to sort out my files and change my message responders, and DH and I spent the day waiting for contractions to kick in. We went to the Sheriff's department and had the car seat checked, finished packing the hospital bags, and labored at home. The doula came over for a bit in the afternoon, and after I took a few naps, we went in to the hospital at 9pm with 1 min contractiosn 3-5 minutes apart because DH was nervous about my swelling (BP was just a tish under pre-e #s, phew!).. I was at ONE. But, since my water had broken 12+ hours before, they kept me.

So here we sit. We walked all night, I bounced on the ball, I rocked my hips all over the place all night, took some nice whirlpool baths...and got to a 2 at 7am. Did a lot more of the same with my doula-sub in the morning and all afternoon and got to a 3 before she left and my doula arrived around 3pm. And I really think it was a pity 3 from my nurse...probably a 2.5. LO is finally engaging a bit, but we are not progressing quickly at all.

My doctor, who was all for my natural birth wishes, is out of town, and the most old school doc is on call this weekend. However, by some good grace, he is totally fine with being hands off and letting me labor this one out on antibiotics every 4 hours w/ a hep lock as long as baby and I are fine. However, I'm sure we'll have to reassess tomorrow when he comes in since it will have been 48 hours since my water broke. I hope we can avoid pit and other interventions, especially a c-section since we're both doing well, so send me quick labor vibes, pretty please, bees! I adamantly didn't want a Valentine's baby, but I sure would like one in the next 24 hours!