Bear with me-lots of newbie pump at work questions coming!

Today was my second day pumping at work, and the first real time I did it throughout the day. There is a really nice, private room that I (finally) got access to, and the set up couldn't be better. That said, it is harder than I thought it would be! Pumping has never come easy for me, even thoughI've been pumping from the very beginning. Even still, I'm finding this pump at work thing to be a whole new ballgame. I'm getting enough to cover what she eats in a day, but it is much less than I would get at home if I pumped instead of feeding her. I've also noticed that I am not feeling as empty, and that my output is decreasing by the end of the day. So, here are my questions:

How much do you normally pump in a day total? How times do you pump? How far apart do you space them? Do you pump at home, as well as at work? If so, do you notice a difference in what you produce?