apricot / 308 posts
@Kaohinani: @sams_mom: @lazb: thanks for the thorough feedback on the Preseed! I’ve used it both as lube (external application) and also inserted internally. The cycle on which I conceived DS I used two grams internally so I’m not sure if that was the trick or not but I’m going to keep using it because I don’t think I produce a ton of fertile EWCM during ovulation.
@lazb: that’s a positive if I ever did see one!
@kaohinani: After all you have been through it’s bormal to feel the way you do. Good news is that there’s no medical reason that you can’t get pregnant so it’s still just as possible now as it was back when you got pregnant with #1 and #2 and just like @sams_mom said, there are always the stories of women who just gave up and got pregnant! Wishing you all the luck in the world this cycle!!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: I shared the affixed link last month with skinnycow when both she and I OVed really early (I at CD 9 and she CD 10/11). She ended up pregnant.
I don't remember, but I believe that you may have read it. I wrote the following:
Besides the statistics on FF and one on another site, here is a scholarly study that finds early ovulation can (and does result) equal pregnancy unlike what most people are told (* issues in ovarian reserve, AMA, hormonal issues, etc).
apricot / 308 posts
@Kaohinani: and I don’t know if this means anything or not but the month I conceived DS was the month before my first appt to see a RE. I don’t know if I was more relaxed because I had a plan in play or if relaxing means anything at all, but that’s what happened I’m glad you have an appt coming up, having a plan does help because then you feel like you have some control over what’s happening.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Mrs. K: 🤞 Thank you for sharing that. I love reading stories like that. They give me added hope.
Maybe it will be lucky. IDK. I'm always hopeful and stay positive at the prospect that a BFP is a possibility since (so far) nothing has been found to state otherwise. On the other hand, realistically, we relaxed when I went on Clomid (1st back up plan in play) and then the month before and the 2 months following my HSG (2nd back up) since I figured it would "clear my pipes 🤣." No sticky BFP. I have been guarded but extremely hopeful the last 3 cycles. This cycle, I just feel a bit disconnected. It is a weird feeling. Regardless, we are still actively trying, but I am not as emotionally aligned as I had been prior cycles.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: Maybe the disconnect will take the stress/pressure off? I guess I will accept a from you even though my next chance at pregnancy is an early August baby, I'll still creep and comment hardcore on your due date board
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: I hope so. 🤞
Hands down, you would be my favorite creeper. We've got a 6-mos POAS pact going ... No [wo]man left behind. You can be my battle-buddy through this.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Kaohinani: I feel for your cousin! I am sitting here after drinking 2 giant cups of coffee and I'm about to fall asleep at my desk!
I think we should be able to pull off a couple pregnancies in 6 months. I still think you'll get to cancel your RE appointment because you're prego; all of the things crossed for you.
I think by the time I am back in the game, my son will be in his own bed full time, and we won't have to sneak around to BD (maybe that will be the trick for us!)
grapefruit / 4492 posts
Small update on the bed transition: I'm loving it so far! I can lay down with him until he falls asleep, roll off the edge of the bed and go on with my evening. He's stayed in his own bed until 5 AM & 4:30 AM since setting it up.
*That's the top of his head sticking out of the top of the blanket.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: stalking over here just be warned, eventually he will get spidey senses and just know when you leave. That will lead to hours spent trying to sneak out and eventual sobbing at the closed door when you give up. (This is what our daughter did and it sucked) hopefully you have better luck
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: Don't you bust my bubble lady!
I have been warned, but for now I feel like I've slept better than I have in years.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: oh she now sleeps in her room and it's glorious! Just don't put up with the spidey senses for more than a week. It just gets worse and eventually you have to rip off the band-aid
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Sams Mom: "Yay," for smooth bed transitions!
F'x 🤞 Sam doesn't go searching for you while you and DH are trying () for #2!
@Mamabear87: How has everything been with you? I hope well. Have you gotten any scans or found out the baby's gender yet?
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Kaohinani: I'm good. Won't get anymore ultrasounds until 20 weeks assuming everything stays good. I'm anxiously awaiting my nipt results and getting more convinced by the day that they're taking so long because something is wrong
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@MamaBear87: I'm glad to hear you are doing well. Bummer on the wait for ultrasounds. I would love to see some. Test results seem to take FOR.EV.EEEER when one wants them. I remember being told it would take 1-2 weeks for the Amniocentesis results on DD (now 10) ... that d#mn test took 2 weeks to GET TO MY OBGYN then they were supposed to send me a physical copy (which I never got). My OBGYN was sick of me calling because I swore my daughter must have been deformed and no one wanted to tell me (* pregnancy hormones had me a pregnancy conspiracy theorist! 🤣
)!!! In the end, she was perfectly fine and I was just being a mom. I'm sure everything is on track for you as well.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: I HATE waiting for test results! I can only imagine how nervous/excited/frustrated/all the above you are while waiting for them.
But I am with .@Kaohinani: on this one, everything is probably fine and it's just slow moving. *I have been there though too and it's much easier to not worry from the outside*
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Kaohinani: @Sams Mom: thanks ladies. Odds are everything is fine but the waiting is dreadful!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
CD 8 and fulfilling my POAS duties. It is so much easier to pee on OPKs than HPTs 🤔... HPTs stress me out SOOOO much!
LH levels are S-L-O-W-L-Y rising. I assume I will OV CD 10 or 11 as I usually get a 2 on Smilereader one day and then a 3-6 the next day, followed by a 9-10 (peak/surge) the NEXT day. F'x 🤞for a strong OV this cycle.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: a little later is great, hopefully you’re right on your estimate!
@MamaBear87: waiting is terrible, hope everything is perfect!
I am in a sad state ladies. I completely threw out my back, I can’t walk, can’t stand, even laying down my back doesn’t stop having spasms. I took a muscle relaxant this morning and did some stretches, which was helpful, but I must have pushed myself too much and now it’s soooo bad. Don’t know how I’m going to bd tonight!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: Okay, so don't let back pain and spasms derail your BD-ing. Alternating heat and cold packs and stretching is great. OR a warm bath, stretch, a cold compress, then slight massage, then a heating pad. An hour before BD-ing, you may wish to take another muscle relaxant if it doesn't knock you out or make you woozy. (* TMI side note - I take Baclofen for my spasms and even before some interludes when my Fibro is really bad.) Also, affixed is an article (very short read) on the best positions when the female has back pain. Now, go on and get it on, girl!
Of course, if you are in absolute agony, sit it out and take care of your back. You may have DH give you a massage (focus on the origin and insertion of each muscle and follow it from top to bottom feeling for tension and knots.).
apricot / 308 posts
@LAZB: oh no!!! Sounds terrible so sorry to hear about your back... can you apply heat?
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: awesome, I’m checking out those positions now lol
@Mrs. K: heat is top of the list! Just got home, so going to lay down with a heating pad
It got so bad at the doctors office that they had to use a wheelchair to get me out to the car, I can’t believe how bad it’s gotten today! I’m not super out of shape (although not super in shape either lol), it is crazy how terrible my back is.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Also, they gave me a steroid shot, I hope that doesn’t screw things up
apricot / 308 posts
@kaohinani: I’m an idiot! My ovulation date is approximately 11/5-11/6 so my POAS date is around 11/17. AF showed up (finally) and I’m happy to finally be in a new cycle!
apricot / 308 posts
@LAZB: I don’t think a steroid shot will affect your chances hope you were able to BD despite your back issues!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
• Paranundrum: 11/5
• Kaohinani: 11/9
• Mrs. K: 11/17
• Sams Mom: 11/28
• Lioness21: TBD
Best of luck to all this month!
♀️Amazingly Supportive Cheerleaders for November:
• Yellowbeach
pear / 1610 posts
Hey Ladies! Finally jumping in here... I've been reading along but I find it hard to keep up with commenting on my phone.
Cycle Day: CD5
TTC Cycle: 2nd post MC
Ovulation Date: Probably 11/1
POAS Date: I'll probably start testing around 11/13
Baby #: 4
pear / 1610 posts
@LAZB: I'm sorry you're in pain! My only experiences with a steroid shot is that when I've had them, my period is always a few days later than expected, which gave us a pregnancy scare once when we were newly married and still in school Good luck this month!!!
kiwi / 624 posts
@creativemomma15: ditto on keeping up and commenting on phone. It doesn’t work well for me. I’m checking in everyday though.
Question, how do people count dpo?
I had a positive opk last night.
Ttc cycle: 1
Cycle day: 18
POAS Date: Nov. 1st if AF doesn’t start by then. I seem to be having a super short lp every month, under 10 days.
Baby #: 3
grapefruit / 4144 posts
• CreativeMomma15: 11/1
• Petitduck: 11/1
•Paranundrum: 11/5
• Kaohinani: 11/9
• Mrs. K: 11/17
• Sams Mom: 11/28
• Lioness21: TBD
Best of luck to all this month!
♀️Amazingly Supportive Cheerleaders for November:
• Yellowbeach
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Petitduck: A pos OPK means you will OV in the next 18-38 hours (those are averages). Most people who are not temping (BBT), count the day after a pos OPK as OV and then the day AFTER OV as 1 DPO. Hope that helps.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@creativemomma15: @petitduck: I apologize ladies, we are one chatty crowd of supportive ladies. I appreciate that you both are part of our board and are making an attempt to keep up with all of our chatter.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Let's play another round of "Guess Kaohinani's Weird Rash - Because She Just Can't..." Lol.
I woke with rashes on both arms and my chest. No change in meds, food, detergents, and wasn't sweating profusely (heat rash). It has stayed with me for nearly 3 hours. I just popped 2 Benadryl and will be on my out to Pain Mgt. I may ask the doc there although it isn't his field to diagnose. Just was wondering if any of you ladies had (or have seen) a similar rash. Thank you in advance.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Kaohinani: is it possible you scratch yourself in your sleep? Those look like excoriations 🧐
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Sitting at Pain Mgt atm staring down my shirt ... and getting some weird looks from the one other guy in here and the ladies at the counter. 🤣 The Benadryl is clearing it up a bit. I still have a bit on my arms and chest, but, you may be correct that I scratch whatever is irritating me. It is lightly splotchy - not the blistering red rash I get with most allergic reactions. I was just curious because it was something new (re: odd). Thank you for taking the time to respond.
nectarine / 2648 posts
So, for anyone not familiar with our story, this will seem like a weird post, but for those if you who know, DH and I hadn’t BDed since our loss back in May. We were scared to for a number of reasons and it just seemed so emotionally loaded. Well, I’m happy to say we DTD last night! And man it was fun!!! I’m still not calling us TTC this month, but this is a big step forward for our healing. ️
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@yellowbeach: Woo-Hoo! Yellowbeach has got her groove back! 🕺
That is fantastic!
I am really happy for you and it is such great progress in both your emotional healing and in getting back to where you and DH were as a couple in April (before May).
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: glad it’s clearing up, I get weird rashes a lot too, thankfully most clear up pretty quickly.
@yellowbeach: that’s wonderful news, I can understand why you took a break, but glad y’all are back on track a little bit
@creativemomma15: hopefully it doesn’t push out my ovulation, but nothing I can do now. It looks like your experience is pretty normal. Thanks for responding
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: BROWN CHICKEN BROWN COW! (marvin gaye playing quietly in the background) Lets get it on!
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