I am 13 months PP, still breastfeeding a ton (every couple hours and LO nurses while co-sleeping for a few hours early in the morning; he also wakes occasionally to nurse earlier in the night) and have not got my period back yet. We are currently NTNP and are not interested in actively trying right now, but would like to get pregnant (it would probably take a long period of NTNP and no pregnancy for us to actively try - we just prefer not to do that). In an ideal world, I would only take a pregnancy test if I was really suspicious that I was pregnant, BUT I am excited and ancy about the possibility of being pregnant again and I want to test every once in a while.

My questions are (1) has anyone else been in this boat before and (2) how often would you test?

Obviously I don't want to break the bank and test all the time and I really want to try to be laid back about this, but since I have no clue when I'm ovulating (and don't want to chart) I have to test randomly. I'm thinking I should set a date every month and try to stick to that. Thoughts?