I have very little memory of how often DS2 nursed at 9 months. I know he woke a few times a night so I feel like it was at least 6-7 times in 24 hours. G is 9 months and we recently got through a bad illness and nursing strike, but nursing is a little different now. He sort of needs to be coaxed into nursing, doesn't really want to nurse to sleep, etc. He mostly STTN, so will nurse when he wakes up, before both naps (if I'm lucky), and then before bed. I usually can get him to nurse a little before dinner, but it's usually not a good session. So, this is like 4.5 nursing sessions in 24 hours. He's into solids, but mostly finger foods, so of course I never know 100% what he's heating. He is a very happy kid. Does this seem normal?