LO was fed 80% BF / 20% pumped milk months 1, 2, and 5.
LO was fed 50/50 BF/pumped milk months 3, 4, 6, and 7.

We are now on month 8 and some changes are happening. He used to nurse for about 25 minutes, one or two sides, very focused. I would feel a letdown /flow sometimes. Now, he only nurses for about 5-8 minutes, both sides total, and I don't feel a letdown/flow. He pops off, very distracted, trying to crawl or flip around. He also bites (ouch!). He doesn't *seem* hungry, but if I offer a bottle, he'll drink about 2-2.5 oz easily (normally he drinks 5oz bottles.) My supply might have decreased a bit because I've decreased the length of my pumping sessions at work, but not that significantly.

Is this a nursing strike? A bottle preference? A normal development as he's more distracted and trying to crawl?

And, if it's a bottle preference, no way am I attempting paced feeding at 8m. It was hard enough to get him to take a bottle in the first place....