Hellobee Boards


October 2016 POAS

  1. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @Tionn3: oh wow hope your body heals soon from it! What a toll illness can place on the body.

  2. Mrs. Blush

    cherry / 163 posts

    @OurEastAndWest @MrsD2442 @Tubbs: how is the TWW going?!

  3. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: Hi! I'm a little confused as I thought I should have ovulated around CD19 but I'm on CD22 now but still no sign of a positive OPK. I've been testing twice a day but they've all been just slight faint lines. I'm not very positive about this month so don't consider I'm in the TWW really 😕. I don't chart temps but I think I'll have to start next month. I know I'll get quite neurotic about it though so was hoping to only have to use OPKs but this confusion is just too frustrating. It's great to be able to follow everyone's else's journey though - good luck girls! X

  4. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    Cycle Day:21
    TTC Cycle: 9 (this is dragging on a bit now)
    Ovulation Date: 9/16
    POAS Date:10/1
    Baby #:1
    What's up this month: Carrying on with the whole temping thing, trying to remain patient, the usual.
    For Fun: What are you (or your LO) dressing up as this year for halloween?
    Not sure yet, all the teachers at my school do a group costume for the day (last year we were minions) so I'm just waiting on that memo.

    Good luck this month everybody!

  5. Mrs. Blush

    cherry / 163 posts

    @tubbs: hmmm that is confusing. Fingers crossed over here for you. I am nervous about getting neurotic about the temping too. My cycle starts on 10/5, and I chose not to start temping on any previous cycles because I was worried about burning out before we even started trying! I know once we get underway I will probably wish I had previous cycles to compare to, but oh well.

  6. Mrs. Blush

    cherry / 163 posts

    @msmilkshake: you're in the TWW too then huh? Best of luck! and welcome Rooting for you!

  7. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: how is your TWW going? Here's a pic of my OPKs. It's only the second month I've used them but it just looks completely blank - but does anyone see something I'm missing? Any advice would be welcome for when I start again next month. Thanks! X

  8. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Tubbs: cd21 looks pretty close, maybe it was he morning of cd21? Did you have any other signs? CF?

    I've been testing around 11am and 6pm when I start getting close to surging.

  9. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    Quick update!

    Oct 1 - OurEastAndWest, msmilkshake
    Oct 3 - MrsD2442
    Oct 5 - Tubbs
    Oct 7 - MommySLP, tequiero21
    Oct 8 - snarkybiochemist
    Oct 9 - Banana330, cole
    Oct 15 - Bizwitch
    Oct 16 - Tionn3
    Oct 18 - Ottilie
    Oct 21 - BeatlesFan629
    Oct 31 - Mrs. Blush

    Cheerleaders! - Bibliolove, yellowbeach

  10. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    Cycle Day: 20
    TTC Cycle: 4
    Ovulation Date: 9/21
    POAS Date: 10/3
    Baby #: 3
    What's up this month: Suffering through the TWW at the moment We did SMEP with OPKs this month - fingers crossed!
    For Fun: What are you (or your LO) dressing up as this year for halloween? M (4yo) is going to be Elsa and J (21 months) will be a dinosaur. Halloween is my birthday so a BFP would be a great present

  11. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    Cycle Day: 29, anxiously awaiting af. I know nothing happened as I have peed on way too many cheapy hpts that are very negative.
    TTC Cycle: 2, but really 1 because last month sickness got our house and not a lot went on...
    Ovulation Date: not sure yet, still having irregular ish pp cycles. Maybe 10/10. Have opk cheapies to try. Any tips? Do I keep them to see a progression?
    POAS Date: 10/26 ish
    Baby #: 2
    What's up this month: I am getting really impatient already...ntnp in August. But it's
    my babe's 1st birthday this month so hopefully that will help keep me distracted!
    For Fun: What are you (or your LO) dressing up as this year for halloween? Maybe a mama and baby cat. Pretty sure hubby will be away for work so no family costume.

  12. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @Tubbs: Any secondary signs that can correlate?

    Also, this is just me, but if you're going to test 2x a day, I would test in the AM and PM and not 3 hrs apart (e.g. like you did with CD 21). Then again, I always test with FMU and will get a blazing +. I know they say to test in the afternoon, but I really can't at work and my pee is too diluted in the afternoon usually. I can't remember ever getting a + at night, often I will get a fade-in at night and a + the next morning.

    Each body is different, but regardless try testing 2x, 12 hours apart.

  13. Tubbs

    olive / 67 posts

    @Bibliolove & @Banana330: I wasn't checking CM or temps so I should have been a bit more organised with timing of OPKs. I was doing it once I got home from work but it's hard to be I control of that if things crop up during the day and you have to stay late etc. I will try FMU next month and stick to better times. Thanks for the advice! The only one positive test I got last month was early afternoon so I'll hopefully figure out when my surge is in the day next month and will be much easier to track it from then on!

  14. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    CD 15 today & still haven't gotten a positive (or even close) OPK. I usually ovulate around day 14 so don't know what's up. Hopefully I will one of these days.

  15. dominobee

    pear / 1553 posts

    @Banana330: You can take me off the list. We won't be TTC this month bc I got the MMR vaccine.

  16. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Petitduck: I recently posted a thread about opk fade in that you can check it in the ttc section but everyone who responded said mostly they don't get a fade in. I remember getting a fade in when we tried for my daughter but this month there was no fade in at all. I'm glad I started testing early, I got a positive today and I'm only on CD 10.

    @bizwitch: I'm sure that's frustrating, I'm crossing my fingers your patience brings you extra luck next month!

    @Tubbs: I was thinking it could be the 21st too. If it's any consolation I had picture perfect opks when we ttc the first time except the month we conceived ACS they were all over the place, I think i got two almost positive about five days apart and never a true positive, it was a mess!

  17. msmilkshake

    cherry / 146 posts

    @mrsblush oh yes, definitely waiting. So much fun isn't it?

  18. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    I feel like I have my hopes up way too high this month and if it doesn't work I'm going to be devastated. I have a million reasons I keep telling myself that things should work this month and it is probably not helping my mental space.

  19. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @Cole: I was a bit like that last month. But surprisingly in a better head space this month because of it. It's hard being so out of control of what's happening even if you do everything right.

  20. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @COLE, I was like that last month. It was our 6th cycle of (very actively) TTC and I read all about how 80% of women get pregnant in the first 6 months of trying- and I was not interested in being part of the 20%! AF was also due the day before the one year anniversary of my father in law's passing and I just had this vision of being able to tell my husband and mother in law that we had something to celebrate on such a sad day I was devastated when I started spotting. Then I talked to my ob/gyn's office who told me that the blood work I had done to test my hormone levels was normal! Which made it worse- on that day I mean. "Then why isn't anything working?!?" I felt like a big ol' failure

    HOWEVER I'm actually doing *much* better this month and am trying to relax more and just take it day by day. Not being in control of the situation is still so hard to deal with some days...

  21. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Banana330: ttc really is so tricky! When we started trying initially for a second I was totally prepared for it taking a long time, in some ways I was hoping for it to take a while. I was shocked when it worked the first time but since I miscarried I feel this intense desire to"catch up", it doesn't help that I have friends who have since gotten pregnant or announced it, I feel behind.

  22. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @TUBBS Your CD 21 looks like it may have been a positive?? Another option is maybe trying a different brand of OPKs next month. I was using a pack I got from Walgreen's at first and I would have a positive OPK for like 5 days and even on my non-surge days it looked really strong! I switched to Wondflo's when those ran out and my negative and positive are super easy to see now. Just a thought

  23. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @MRS. BLUSH My temps were really crazy around ovulation, a first for this weird fall back thing, so I don't really know when I ovulated but I may be around 9 DPO? I always start spotting or have a temp drop on 12 DPO so I will know one way or the other this week! I'm pretty sure I'm out since we took a break from timing BD and just went with the flow of when we really, really wanted to; my body needed a sex detox haha!

  24. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: that really stinks, it's so hard when we have this picture in our heads, that would have been so lovely! I get it about not wanting to be part of that percent, I was totally oblivious that I could miscarry, it sounds so stupid now but right before getting pregnant I went to a tarot card reader who told me I'd never miscarry and I just believed her. It blindsided me! I just had this perfect picture in my head which made everything so much harder.

    Thanks for listening to me vent ladies, I'm feeling all over the map with this ttc stuff and it's nice to have a safe place to share.

  25. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @COLE I'm so, so sorry for your miscarriage And I would have thought the same way you did! Any sort of a confirmation of a healthy pregnancy is definitely the vision I would've held onto.

    Vent away! It is such a confusing/frustrating/exciting experience- it is a comfort to know someone understands!!

  26. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    Quick update!

    Oct 1 - OurEastAndWest, msmilkshake
    Oct 3 - MrsD2442, MrsF
    Oct 5 - Tubbs
    Oct 7 - MommySLP, tequiero21
    Oct 8 - snarkybiochemist
    Oct 9 - Banana330, cole
    Oct 16 - Tionn3
    Oct 18 - Ottilie
    Oct 21 - BeatlesFan629
    Oct 26 - Petitduck
    Oct 31 - Mrs. Blush

    Cheerleaders! - Bibliolove, yellowbeach, bizwitch

  27. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    In the tww. Anyone have any good distraction suggestions? I'm not good having to wait to find things out. Good luck to everyone in this annoying time

  28. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: I find the first half not so bad.. but from about 7dpo onwards I just want to test! Make lots of plans, be busy at work... if you find something that really works let me know!

  29. Bibliolove

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: my best distractions are vacation, staying busy at work, house projects (painting, planting), and getting busy in the kitchen. Also, researching something of interest to me. I create Pinterest boards to stay busy too.

  30. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Banana330: @Bibliolove: I see keeping busy at work plays a big role. I love cooking and baking too, this weekend might have to involve a complicated involved dessert, I'm sure my husband won't object to trying lots of new recipes over the tww

  31. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @SNARKYBIOCHEMIST No good tips here, sorry. I am usually grateful when I have an already busy week to help distract me from totally obsessing... otherwise I can't help but obsess! "What was that cramp? Am I really nauseous or did I just eat too much cheese at lunch?"

    @BANANA330 This is the hardest time of the TWW for me too- I'm 10 DPO (or maybe 7 DPO, there some confusion in my temps this cycle) so I'm at least over the first half but this second half always dragssss onnnnn! My spotting begins or my temp drops on/by 12 DPO so either way will at least know for certain soon enough.

    Not letting myself test unless I get through 12 DPO without my temp dropping or starting to spot though!! BFN are just the worst.

  32. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: @snarkybiochemist: I feel you. I'm still waiting to O and it feels like every month of TTC is just waiting, you're waiting to O, you're waiting to test, you're waiting for AF (who hopefully never shows). It's also the roller coaster of hope that drives me crazy. I find most months going from super hopeful to convinced it's not going to happen and back again...

  33. snarkybiochemist

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: I really don't want to symptom spot, but I know I will. Its just so hard to not pay attention to every little thing and then wonder and research obsessively.
    @Banana330: I swing from insanely hopefully to insanely bummed out sometimes multiple times because I over analyze things. I'm hoping not to do that this month.
    Hopefully I can relax and be a calmer happier person. I'll let you all know if I find anything wildly successful to help me not obsess.

  34. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @Banana330: Yep! That is exactly how I feel every month too! That was why this cycle I wasn't as focused on BDing every other day or worrying about timing BD and just went with the flow. After 6 months straight of focusing on TTC, I really needed a mental breather!!

    My 32nd birthday is in October so I'm sure I'll be more motivated to give it all a shot again. I can hear my biological clock going tick-tick-tick hahaha

  35. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: @Banana330: I just found the actual "reply" button on the individual posts so it automatically replies to you- oops! Sorry, new here!

  36. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: My birthday is October too... 36 so i'm already past clock ticking...

  37. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @Banana330: Symptom-spotting is SO HARD not to do! Every month I say I'm going to take it easy and every month I end up recording every.little.detail. in my Fertility Friend chart After a billion years on BCP I had nooo idea how many CrAzY things my uterus does to me every month haha!

  38. OurEastAndWest

    cherry / 134 posts

    @Banana330: It's crazy because 32 and 36 are *SO YOUNG* but when you look at it from a TTC stand point, I feel like an old hag! Especially when you read the dreaded fertility books... YIKES!

  39. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @OurEastAndWest: I had my first at 34, and I didn't feel old then especially since all my friends are in the same life phase at the same age but sometimes I when I'm on these boards I feel old!

  40. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @snarkybiochemist: Symptom spotting is so hard! I realized that I get nauseous a few days before my period but the first few times I was convinced I was pregnant. It was actually helpful for me in the long run to symptom spot and track it all in the ff app so I could look back and realize that the same exact thing happened last month. Maybe you can trick your brain into thinking you're gathering data for future cycles?

    @Banana330: "roller coaster of hope" This! I feel like I'm a crazy person! Convinced it has to work followed by pessimism.

    I am 34 and I basically need to get pregnant before Thanksgiving to not be labeled ama for this next pregnancy. It's this weird ticking time bomb sensation, not that anything will magically be different if it takes an extra month or two...

    After obsessively analyzing my chart from the month I got pregnant with my daughter I got a positive opk on day 9, this month was day 10 and I had a positive hpt by CD 22, so heaven knows I'm going to be peeing on sticks like a crazy person starting in like a week.

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