Hellobee Boards


October 2018 POAS

  1. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @QBbride: To respond on your comment on seasonal human fertility, it is both true and a misnomer as humans [obviously] can reproduce during any season. Female estrus occurs "generally" monthly in humans (as we ALL know πŸ˜‰πŸ˜);however, there has been slight evidentuary proof of an increase in the Male Factor seasonally! Not only can MEN become more fertile during certain seasons, but, biologically, due to this upswing, they want to DTD MORE in response to hormonal changes; therefore, there is a boom in birthrates 35-40 weeks following.
    Seasonally, winter and spring yield the highest sperm counts.

    I can't find the study I read on this phenomenon a while back; however, I did find a short article:

    Fingers crossed 🀞 for a VERY FERTILE FALL (* check that alliteration there! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚) as we seem to be doing well on the board thus far and a Lucky October πŸŽƒ to all the ladies!!! 🧑

  2. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    @lioness21: I 'm sorry about the BFN.

  3. skinnycow

    pear / 1728 posts

    Top is yesterday afternoon and bottom is from this morning. Lines are much darker (and earlier) than they were with my MC so that's comforting.

  4. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @skinnycow: Beautiful! I'm so happy your progression is THAT noticable THAT fast! πŸ˜πŸ‘ Also, seeing the word, "PREGNANT" must make it so much more real.

  5. lioness21

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @Kaohinani: I doubt I will be able to POAS this month again, as I'm currently on CD32, not sure how long it will take for AF to arrive πŸ™„ I'm planning on charting next cycle to confirm if and when I'm ovulating, so I'm excited for that.

  6. lioness21

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @skinnycow: Thank you! I appreciate that!
    I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!! πŸ’–πŸ’–

  7. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @skinnycow: awesome!

  8. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Kaohinani: your temp difference between yesterday and today is still within a "stable trend", so nothing to worry about. Also when I was researching the temp drop it said that in the first month before the algorithm kicks in your temp can adjust after the next days temp is entered. So basically it could have read lower this morning than your oral temp, but after you temp tomorrow it could realize it picked the wrong data point from your overnight temps and adjust it to one that fits better; thus them telling you to combo temp the first 30 days or whatever.

  9. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Sams Mom: Thank you. I know it is all in my anxiety. I had read the same which is why I have been dual temping... I have yet to have any changes in my BBT after OV. On the upside of things (*always looking for the positive, here), I am "possibly" triphasic as of CD 16 according to FF so even with the disparity in temps, things are still "okay" for the moment. πŸ™‚ I am just SO hoping for a BFP this month. I truly want a LO and not all of these stupid progesterone-induced non-symptoms with nothing to come from them month-after-month.

  10. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @Kaohinani: the TWW is so anxiety producing! I know a couple people who temp to confirm ovulation then stop. Would this cause you less or more stress?

  11. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @QBbride: Honestly, I don't know. πŸ€” I think my curiosity would begin to get the best of me if I stopped temping. I also gauge when AF is coming so I know, without a doubt, when she will arrive using temps ... I'm not one of the lucky ladies that spots first. On the other hand, seeing and anticipating the BBT dips and falls are a huge part of what causes me daily anxiety (along with testing). πŸ€” H*ll, at this point ALL of TTC is anxiety-inducing! 😳🀣

  12. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    TO THE LOVELY LADIES WHO DID NOT RECEIVE THEIR BFPs - If you have longer cycles and will be not be OV and POAS again this month, I began the November POAS board if you choose to continue on a POAS forum after this one. 🧑 As always, please, feel free to stay with us here on this board as well ... we LOVE the company and dislike seeing any lady leave.

  13. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    I’m back again! After three losses this year 😭 going to try one last time for a few months before hubby turns 40. Hopefully luck on my side this time!

    Cycle Day: 4
    TTC Cycle: No idea
    Ovulation Date: probably Oct 16/17/18 Probably will only get to bd before the 14th due to travel.
    POAS Date: probably 26ish
    Baby #: 3
    Anything exciting happening this month: Halloween!

  14. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: Hi, peaches! I am so, unbelievably, sorry to read about all of your losses; however, I am very glad to see you here. You have been missed! 🧑

    I'll add you to the board. πŸ™‚

  15. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    πŸŽƒπŸπŸ‚ October 2018 POAS πŸ‚πŸπŸŽƒ

    β€’ foodiebee: 10/2
    β€’ Blythe: 10/4
    β€’ lioness21: 10/5
    β€’ Mrs. Toad: 10/5
    β€’ Cat620: 10/10
    β€’ paranundrum: 10/10
    β€’ Petitduck: 10/11
    β€’ Kaohinani: 10 /11
    β€’ skinnycow: 10/13
    β€’ LAZB: 10/13
    β€’ jaybirdie: 10/13
    β€’ QBbride: 10/15
    β€’ yellowbeach: 10/15
    β€’ Starlitsky: 10/16
    β€’ CreativeMomma15: 10/20
    β€’ Sams Mom: 10 /21
    β€’ karenbme: 10/25
    β€’ Fuzzypeaches: 10/26
    β€’ Cake2017: TBD

    πŸˆπŸ‚πŸƒNOVEMBER 2018 POASπŸƒπŸ‚πŸˆ


  16. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @Kaohinani: thanks girl! Hoping good luck for both of us! πŸ’•

  17. Chuckles

    persimmon / 1495 posts

    @fuzzypeaches: So sorry for your losses. I didn't join in the POAS thread this month, but last week I also had my third loss this year. Are you going to be seeing an RE or just hoping it was a string of bad luck? Good luck this month!

  18. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @skinnycow: hooray! Congratulations!

  19. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @karenbme: congratulations!!

  20. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @Chuckles: I’m on the waiting list to see but honestly my appt won’t be until January (Canada πŸ™„) and so I’m just going to try again and hope for the best. I’m going to see if my gp can do progesterone if I concieve and I already started low dose aspirin and higher dose folate so hopefully cover some of my bases and see

  21. fuzzypeaches

    clementine / 950 posts

    @Chuckles: sorry to hear for you too πŸ’• it totally sucks.

  22. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I’m just back from my trip, it was definitely a nice distraction, although twinges and ttc thoughts definitely creeped in sometimes lol. I rethought my ovulation and think today is actually 9dpo, so I’ll probably test on Tuesday. I felt twinges that I’m sure weren’t actually ovulation, even though that was my initial hope, a couple of days ago, so if I can’t hold off I may test tomorrow.

  23. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @skinnycow: OMG Congratulations! Those are beautiful lines! So excited for you!

  24. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Kaohinani: Sorry to hear about your anxiety. It feels like both with TTC is clear cutβ€”it’s always reading tea leaves. No advice really, but some solidarity. I’ve been googling β€œFRER with betas” daily, crossing my fingers that things are going as they should.

  25. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    So my husband surprised me with tickets (buying them Tuesday on pre-sale) to my favorite band that I've never been able to see in concert next March. I told him this is the month I get pregnant now because we've spent $200 on tickets + hotel room, gas, and food... So I'll be coming up on my 3rd trimester naturally πŸ˜‚


  26. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Mrs. Toad: @skinnycow: Congratulations! Such good news!

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! It's been a busy-busy weekend.
    Friday evening we just took it easy. I got a bouquet larger than my head(!) and my favourite cake from my SO. We went to the beach to let our pup run and play. There was not much beach left as the wind was strong and blowing all the water inland. I was smart enough to wear rainboots. On the way home we picked up pizza and just had a quiet night in.

    On Saturday there was an alumni's day in my high school so I went to see my old school building and teachers. After that we had dinner with family.

    Yesterday we went to the theater.

    Amidst all the business I was completely blindsided by arriving AF... My temp is still sort of up, but I started to spot slightly late last night. I thought it was 9dpo and a bit early for that, but it turns out it was actually 10dpo and that's a pretty normal time for me to start spotting. Sooo I guess I'm out? I even hadn't had the time to start obsessing yet.

  27. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts


  28. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @paranundrum: sorry to hear about AF! Glad you enjoyed your birthday though ❀️

  29. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @Chuckles: I am so truly sorry for your loss. *hugs*

    @Lazb: Great to see/hear you had a lovely break! Glad to see you are back. Pee on those sticks! I'm hoping to see a BFP!

    @karenbme: Thank you for understanding. The anxiety is frustrating (and crippling, at times), but, moreso, searching for answers to comfort oneself can be exhaustive as well.

    @Sams Mom: Your husband is awesome! You must be so excited! I know I'd go roly-poly pregnant! πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

    @Paranundrum: Wow! What a busy weekend you've had! Sounds as though you had a spectacular time. I am sorry that you may be out for this month. Your BBT is still really high, though, and you stated you are only 10 dpo with spotting. Is there any possibility it may be implantation spotting rather than premenstrual spotting? It fits the time frame. Not trying to suggest anything, especially since you know your cycle well, rather, a suggestion posed from my own curiosity.

    @Yellowbeach: 3dp5dt is more of a evap line than anything ... So exciting! Now, I'm waiting for the REAL magic to happen! πŸ˜‰πŸ€ž

    --- As for me, at 11 dpo, my temp just rose to 99.02 Β°F. I had acid reflux yesterday (burping, gagging, dry throat) and a feeling of general malaise. This morning (TMI) loose stools and still thirsty. None are true "pregnancy symptoms" so I'm dismissing them as "I'm sick."
    According to FF, 50% of charts like mine are ovulatory and the other 50% are pregnancy. (No help there! There is ALWAYS a 50-50 chance to be pregnant if you BD!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚) Of course, there are only 8 charts "like" mine so, statically, even if it doesn't change anything, at least I know my odds are as good as flipping a coin. πŸ’±πŸ€”πŸ˜‰πŸ€£

  30. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: I see a shadow there, hope it gets darker in the next day or two!
    @Kaohinani: you are looking good lady! Although I totally get the charting giving you more anxiety. That’s part of why I don’t do it anymore, analyzing temps puts me on the crazy train.

    I think I’m just going to wait to test until tomorrow or Wednesday. I’m only 10 dpo (12 dp trigger) and I think tomorrow will be more definitive. I’m not super optimistic because what are the chances we’d conceive three cycles in a row? But we shall see

  31. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @Sams Mom: That sounds fun preggo or not! And at least you’ll save $ by not buying drinks if you are πŸ˜‰

    @paranundrum: Sorry to hear you’re out, but it sounds like you had a nice weekend!

    @Kaohinani: Wow, your temp’s gone straight up since the dip there! Even on a sample size of 8, 50-50 is still pretty good. Not to be an enabler, but even with my weak hormone rises I’ve always gotten digestive issues before a Fingers crossed for you!

  32. karenbme

    persimmon / 1419 posts

    @LAZB: Don’t lose hope, this is my third after trying in only three months, so it could happen.

  33. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Kaohinani: Your chart is looking great! I'm hoping Mr. Murphy helps you out and you get a BFP now that you've invested in Tempdrop.

    I'm guessing it's not implantation bleeding. It's just the same kind of murky cm I get every time before AF.
    And my temps haven't been that high this cycle, I'm pretty sure my average post O temps are higher. I don't know what to make of those two random spikes.
    I even have/had a weird nonsymptom this time, I rarely have any. My lips have been super dry and feel like they're sunburnt. Not sure what that's about either.

    I'll let you know either way, but I'm sure my temp tomorrow will be lower.

  34. foodiebee

    kiwi / 662 posts

    Wow, so much to catch up on!

    @skinnycow: CONGRATULATIONS!!

    @yellowbeach: I'm ready to support and enable alllll the POAS

    @paranundrum: Your birthday weekend sounds lovely!

    @Kaohinani: Tracking used to cause me a lot of anxiety, so much so that I started only temping when I thought I was getting close to O, a couple days after O to confirm it, and then not until around when I expected AF so that I could catch the temp drop. It did help me not be so caught up in it, even if it made for an uneven chart and drove FF mad.

    @fuzzypeaches: I'm so sorry to hear about the losses, but welcome and good luck!

  35. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Y’all, I’m so ridiculous. My friend got me to test even though I JUST said I wouldn’t. I see something, but could be an indent.

  36. paranundrum

    clementine / 811 posts

    @LAZB: There definitely is a "something" there. Hoping for the best!

  37. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Better picture lol

  38. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @LAZB: I see what you're talking about, but I can't tell if it has much color or not! All the fingers and toes crossed for you!

  39. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @LAZB: I see a gray line. Take another test tomorrow! Hopefully it will be clearer what it is.

  40. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Ok this is better, and you can see pink

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