We have some sleep issues in our house right now (actually we have had them since birth). LO is 4 weeks old and is just not a good night time sleeper and it seems that nothing I do helps makes it better.

The other night tried the 5 S's religiously and got one decent night of sleep - two 3 hour stretches and a two hour. Last night nothing seemed to work - he was calmed by 5 s's but then fussed again when I put him down and from 10 p.m. on only slept 1:45, 2, then 2 (with lots of yelping). This morning, same thing - he won't sleep anywhere but on me. He is swaddled, calm, clean, fed, and basically asleep in my arms then when I put him down (or, in the swing) he starts fussing and waking up (and trying to bust out of the swaddle again). He's been up for 2 hours so I know he is tired. He has been yawning which I know means he is probably overtired, but I have been trying to get him down for an hour.

He is not a fussy baby. He just cries when he is hungry and fusses when he doesn't want to be put down. I just feel like I suck at this sleep stuff and want to help my baby be better rested and nothing seems to help. At almost 4 weeks, shouldn't sleep be getting a little better?

Any suggestions?