..i just got a bfp!

been feeling kind of off and had some light spotting the last few days which i thought was my second period since having A in May so i took a FRER and it was positive!!?

i'm in the middle of a mild panic attack. i'm excited and scared and overwhelmed and freaking out and crying as i write this..

i had such a hard time getting pregnant with A and then being on bed rest for 4 months and having her 2 months early. i can't believe my body did this on it's own and am so happy about that, but i'm so so so scared that i will have to be bed-ridden again.. my ob said that they would def do a cerclage at 12 weeks the next time i got pregnant, but i had that done last time and was still in bed. thinking about an abdominal cerclage.. gosh. should i be calling my RE or OB? i'm so overwhelmed.

please pray for us! oh my gosh..

on a lighter note.. A saw the easter bunny this morning