My LO is only 10 weeks, so I figured we had a good 3 months at least before we had to worry about teething, but the past 24 hours make me nervous! For the past few days, she has been trying to eat her fists all day long and is soaking through her clothing with drool. I figured maybe she was just discovering her hands. But now she's started chomping down on everything (dh thought she was hungry and gave her a bottle but she just started chewing on it) and yesterday she started crying out in pain on two separate occasions when she wasn't hungry. It was a cry I only heard once before when she got her shots. A few times after feeding she'd sleep for a few minutes and then start chewing hard on her hands. Finally, my girl who sleeps through the night every night woke up crying in the middle of the night twice last night! She usually wakes up calmly and just chills. She just seems out of sorts. Everyone who has come over this week has asked me if she's teething, and now dh is convinced that's what's going on.

Please tell me this isn't going to go on for months before she cuts her first tooth! Did anyone else have teething symptoms way early? Did they go away and return later? Or stick around for months? I'm so hoping this is just a fluke!