DD is 9 days old and I saw a lactation consultant on Friday to deal with my oversupply in general (I'm still engorged a week after my milk came in) but even more to get help for my forceful letdown. DD was already having green poops and literally had milk coming out of her nose while she ate. So the LC suggested that before each feed, I hand express for 2 mins to catch the first letdown, then feed DD on that one side on a recline but only until she starts non-nutritive sucking and then pull her off, and then hand express for 1 min to catch some hind milk and store what I'm getting. To give you some idea of my supply, I got 8oz yesterday just hand expressing for 3 mins each feeding. She's only eating for about 10 mins, but has plenty of wet/dirty diapers and seems satisfied, so I'm thinking (hoping) she's taking in enough in that limited time.
So my question is... For anyone else in a similar situation, how did you deal with your forceful letdown? And did you have to do it forever, or just until your supply/letdown regulated at some point? This set-up the LC gave me is manageable but makes feeding much more complicated. Especially when my husband goes back to work this week and can't hold her while I express, etc.