Ahhh. I am freaking out.
We have been talking with our pediatrician and pediatric dermatologist for months about our now 9 month old son's eczema - it's been awful and none of the 5000 things we've tried have made much of a difference. I'm still nursing him and I eliminated dairy and soy (around Thanksgiving time -- sigh!!!) but that didn't seem to help, either. Our ped recommended setting up an appt with an allergist and yesterday was the day I took LO in for testing. The results of the skin prick testing were worse than I expected -- it appears that he is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, egg, wheat and barley. (Peanuts and eggs especially.) Still waiting on results from the blood draw -- and while false positives are totally possible w/both tests -- things don't look great.
Neither DH or I have any food allergies and I am kind of stressing out/sad/scared. It's all super new, so I'm thinking dramatically -- LO as the kid eating quinoa bites on Halloween -- but part of me is also like: Seriously, though. What is he going to eat?! We're doing homemade purees now but we can't do that forever ...
I'm also selfishly thinking about how the heck I'm going to eliminate all these things from my diet. It was my goal to nurse until LO was 1 year old, but I don't know now. Eliminating dairy and soy sucked! And I'm not huge on coconut so all of those coconut options brought me no joy
This is a long, rant-y lead up to me asking for recommendations for websites/books/resources that any of you who are raising little ones with food allergies (especially multiple allergies) have found helpful. (Edit: Duh! Of course there are folks who have lots of knowledge/experience re: food allergies w/o being a parent of a child w/them!) The allergist gave us a few handouts but I would love more information/tips. This is all nuts but if I've learned anything as a mom, it's to keep on moving forward!
Thank you!!!!