Morning ladies!
Sorry for all the posts from me lately, but I am confused/concerned about what is going on with my body.
So Saturday morning I got an almost positive OPK and by that evening it was very faint again. Sunday morning I woke up to brown spotting that continued throughout the day although it was very scant. It turned pink last night and is back to brown this morning (it’s only noticeable when I wipe, not enough for a pad).
Yesterday I also had quite a bit of cramping on my left side throughout the day and occasional sharp pains.
I have never experienced ovulation bleeding or cramping before, so for those that have experienced this, does it sound like ovulation to you or should I call my doctor? I’m very cautious of what’s going on with my body after an ectopic in October followed by a miscarriage in December. And yes, my first thought when I started spotting & cramping was to take a pregnancy test to rule that out. I’ve also ovulated & had a period since my MC and didn’t experience this.