Didn't know where to put this but I just wanted to share a story from my day today. It's a little long, but worth the read, if you are looking for a little positive story.
This morning, I woke up and decided to break open the waffle iron that my SIL gave me a couple of months ago. It wasn't really a gift, they just had two of them, and had never opened this one so she asked me if I wanted it. Well, I made the batter and LO was super excited to help make the waffles, but when I plugged it in, it didn't work. It was brand new!! So I threw on pants and pulled my hair back and ran to Walmart to exchange it. The lady at returns gave me a gift card for the value and I went to look for a different brand. The one I wanted was way up high and I couldn't reach it so I asked a tall man walking by if he might be able to help me. I am 7 months pregnant and looked a mess for sure since I hadn't showered or anything. He said, "I'm on a mission to help people today! I'm happy to help!" Well he was certainly nice and I thought that was that. Well when I went to check out, all of sudden he was there and had given the cashier $40 for my waffle iron. I tried to refuse and he said, "No. You are expecting, and I want to help." He told her to give me the change. I felt terrible because I am not in need, and I didn't even pay for the waffle iron to begin with! But he wouldn't hear no. So I turned to the people behind me and gave them the change. Which he smiled about and said, "God bless you" to them. Then I left the store with my gift card and found a girl walking from a kind of beat up car and gave her my gift card. Think how many people were made happy by that "gift" that he just meant for me.
Then, we went to the mall food court for lunch and while we were sitting there, a mom walked up to us and asked us if we'd like the car stroller they'd rented but were finished with. We were like, sure! because LO loves those expensive things. We happily gave it to another family when we were done. I am just feeling so grateful today that there are so many kind and giving people in the world. sometimes you just forget.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and find ways to help others in whatever way you can!