Thought others might find some of this information useful. These are a couple things our allergist told us today at Logan's appointment.
* Only 20% of kids outgrow peanut allergies.
* 30% of kids with peanut allergies also have nut allergies.
* 50% of kids with nut allergies also have peanut allergies.
* Previous reactions to peanuts do not indicate severity of future reactions - peanut allergy reactions tend to get more severe
* You can be exposed to the peanut protein in the air, but it's unlikely to cause anaphylaxis - it will be like any other airborne allergen (itchy eyes, sneezing, etc.)
* Peanut smell does not contain the peanut protein and won't cause a reaction on its own
* Exposure to peanuts on the skin is unlikely to cause anaphylaxis - only ingesting it will cause that
Also, our allergist applauded us for exposing Logan to peanuts so early!
ETA: With regards to the skin exposure - our allergist was adamant about limiting his exposure because if he got it on his skin, he could easily get it into his mouth and ingest it.
He also mentioned that if we eat peanuts, not to kiss Logan for several hours because the peanut protein can linger in your mouth and on your lips and even brushing your teeth won't get rid of it.