I had an HSG done earlier this month and did a quick post about the findings. To recap: the doctor who did it (not my normal dr) mentioned I had a "rare" Y-shaped uterus that wouldn't prevent me from getting KU but I would have a hard time staying pregnant. gee thanks. Dropped that bomb and never brought it up again.

Fast forward to today- I go back to get blood panel done on day 21 and mention again that I am nervous about the Y uterus findings. Later today an imaging place called to schedule a pelvic MRI. I was completely caught off guard as I haven't spoken to my OB since earlier this month.
I called and spoke to a nurse who said they wanted to do a MRI to take a better look at my uterus. No mention of an Ultrasound first or what they were hoping to accomplish.

Feeling frustrated because it's another month wasted- when the MRI could have been done weeks ago, and also I'm not sure exactly why I'm doing it. I have a call in to speak with my doctor (who I adore, but this is annoying me). Have any of you gotten a pelvic MRI? What did you discover with it? And also, the cost?