I lost my temper at the dinner table again today. Like, really lost it. I don't know why this particular issue gets my goat so much....
E has never been a huge fan of food. She never loved solids as a baby and would only eat a few foods as a toddler. Her acceptable foods were toast, crumpets, fish fingers, chicken nuggets and sausages, French fries, yoghurt, apples and cake, and pasta with smooth sauce. I gave up feeding her actual, real food because it just ends up in the bin. But, of late, one by one, she has started to refuse even the foods she used to like..... It started with the crusts on her toast, then toast altogether - she won't eat it if it's crispy, it has to be soggy (but not so much it makes her fingers sticky). She makes me cut the edges off her crumpets because they are slightly crispy. Then it was the coating on nuggets and fish fingers - I have to "peel" them (but she won't even try actual chicken or fish because it's not uniform in colour and shape). Then it was fries, she won't eat crispy ones and agonises over every fleck on the others. Then it was sausages - she didn't like the ends or the skin - and I would have to peel them too. Then today she even refused to eat the peeled sausages because she said they had bits in them (she was looking at tiny, tiny flecks of differences of shade in the sausage meat).
Today she ate virtually nothing. Her toast was yucky. Her sandwiches were too crusty (they were made with soft bread with crusts cut off but went dry because she wouldn't eat them) and her sausages had bits in. The potato alphabet letters were too crispy. She ate two slices of apple before bed (after I yelled at her).
What am I going to do?