Hellobee Boards


POAS September!!!

  1. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @redsmarties: What? Noooooooooooooooo!

  2. SnowflakeBrit

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @Ali: Woohoo!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    I'm 4 DPO today and my temp went way down... got all excited -- "early implantation?" yeah no... Google says it's an estrogen surge.

    Anyway I think since i O'd late (i've been sick), I need to change my POAS date to 9/24? My current one is listed 9/21 and that'll only be 8 DPO...

  4. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @ambular1025: Total, this was my 2nd cycle of actually TTC, but it's my first since my miscarriage in June. This wasn't the greatest month for BDing, so I didn't have super high hopes. There is always next month!

  5. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts


  6. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @MrsTiz: congrats

  7. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congratulations!! how exciting!!!

  8. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats!!!

  9. PrincessBaby

    cantaloupe / 6610 posts

    @MrsTiz: Yay! Congratulations!!!

  10. April_Showers

    cherry / 245 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats!!!

  11. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats!!

  12. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @MrsTiz: congratulations!!!

  13. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats! This must be a lucky month..so many BFP's!

  14. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    @MrsTiz CONGRATS!!!!

  15. Mrs. Schoolbus

    blogger / apricot / 349 posts

    @Kentuckygirl Thank you!

  16. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Mrstiz: Woohooooo! Congratulations!!!!!

  17. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    9/1 Grace - Rollover
    9/2 Hanzabelle - Rollover
    9/3 Chibee - Rollover
    9/5 Alison2o6 - Rollover
    9/9 Snowflakebrit - Rollover
    9/10 Jennkam - Rollover
    9/11 bookworm - Rollover
    9/12 Mrstiz - BFP!!!!!!!!
    9/12 Icebergmom - BFP!!!!!
    9/12 Mcd919 - Rollover
    9/12 Wispy - Rollover
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy - BFP!!!!!!
    9/14 Dr.Pepper - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl - BFP!!!!!!
    9/16 Maybebaby - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/16 Mrsdoily - Rollover
    9/16 Anonysquire - BFN
    9/17 Ali - BFP!!!!!!!!
    9/19 Futuremama - Rollover
    9/19 Ocean girl
    9/20 Mssally - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/20 Macintosh
    9/21 Nodakiddo
    9/24 Spaniellove
    9/25 Aprilshowers
    9/28 Ambular1o25
    9/28 Red smarties
    9/29 Kentuckygirl
    9/30 Strawberrybee

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Lilteacherbee ???
    Crystaljoyce ???

    Anyone else need to be changed with dates or outcomes?

  18. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    8 BFP's this month!!! Congrats to everyone!

  19. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    Congrats to all of the Sept. BFP's! Hoping October is as successful!

  20. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @MrsTiz: that's so exciting!! congratulations!!

  21. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    Thanks everyone! I'm freaking out

  22. maybebaby

    nectarine / 2177 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats!!

  23. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    This thread is on a roll! Congrats all

    AF due today but is a no-show so far... Took a cheapie test yesterday evening with a BFN. Will test again tmr, but I have a feeling AF is just taking her time!

  24. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    2 days ago

    9/1 Grace - Rollover
    9/2 Hanzabelle - Rollover
    9/3 Chibee - Rollover
    9/5 Alison2o6 - Rollover
    9/9 Snowflakebrit - Rollover
    9/10 Jennkam - Rollover
    9/11 bookworm - Rollover
    9/12 Mrstiz - BFP!!!!!!!!
    9/12 Icebergmom - BFP!!!!!
    9/12 Mcd919 - Rollover
    9/12 Wispy - Rollover
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy - BFP!!!!!!
    9/14 Dr.Pepper - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl - BFP!!!!!!
    9/16 Maybebaby - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/16 Mrsdoily - Rollover
    9/16 Anonysquire - BFN
    9/17 Ali - Rollover
    9/19 Futuremama - Rollover
    9/19 Ocean girl
    9/20 Mssally - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/20 Macintosh
    9/21 Nodakiddo
    9/24 Spaniellove
    9/25 Aprilshowers
    9/28 Ambular1o25
    9/28 Red smarties
    9/29 Kentuckygirl
    9/30 Strawberrybee

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Lilteacherbee ???
    Crystaljoyce ???

    Anyone else need to be changed with dates or outcomes?

  25. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @anonysquire: you can put me in there for 9/27

  26. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats!!!

  27. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @MrsTiz: Congrats!!!!!!

  28. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @MrsTiz: congratulations!

  29. Ocean girl

    kiwi / 637 posts

    AF was fashionably 2-days late after 3 months of regular cycles... I was starting to get my hopes up

    On to October!

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Oceangirl: I'm sorry hun! AF did that to me last month too sort of. With what I've seen, I pretty much assume that if I get a BFN by about 12-13 dpo there's not much chance for a BFP...just annoying, taking its time, AF. Wishing you baby dust for next time!

  31. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    Can my POAS date be moved? I was sick and thus, O'd late. I'll only be 8 DPO on friday. Let's go 9/25.

    Congrats to all the BFPs!!

  32. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @MrsTiz: YAY!!!

  33. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    9/1 Grace - Rollover
    9/2 Hanzabelle - Rollover
    9/3 Chibee - Rollover
    9/5 Alison2o6 - Rollover
    9/9 Snowflakebrit - Rollover
    9/10 Jennkam - Rollover
    9/11 bookworm - Rollover
    9/12 Mrstiz - BFP!!!!!!!!
    9/12 Icebergmom - BFP!!!!!
    9/12 Mcd919 - Rollover
    9/12 Wispy - Rollover
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy - BFP!!!!!!
    9/14 Dr.Pepper - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl - BFP!!!!!!
    9/16 Maybebaby - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/16 Mrsdoily - Rollover
    9/16 Anonysquire - BFN
    9/17 Ali - Rollover
    9/19 Futuremama - Rollover
    9/19 Ocean girl - Rollover
    9/20 Mssally - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/20 Macintosh
    9/24 Spaniellove
    9/25 Aprilshowers
    9/25 Nodakiddo
    9/27 Rachel
    9/28 Ambular1o25
    9/28 Red smarties
    9/29 Kentuckygirl
    9/30 Strawberrybee

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Lilteacherbee ???
    Crystaljoyce ???

    Anyone else need to be changed with dates or outcomes?

  34. dcrumlish29

    coffee bean / 45 posts

    I'm new to the boards, and just wanted to introduce myself. This is our first month of TTC and I'm expecting to O between the 26th and the 28th of this month.

    Good luck to everyone!!

  35. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @dcrumlish29: welcome! You might want to join the October thread, too if you haven't already good luck!

  36. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    7 BFPs so far?! How awesome

  37. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I'm now moving on to the POAS for October group. Not because I got AF or a BFP, but because Fertility Friend moved my ovulation a full week later after this morning's temp. So, I'm not even due to POAS until October 4 or so.
    Good luck to the rest of you ladies, though!

  38. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    BFP at 10 DPO!

  39. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @nodakiddo: Wow congratulations!!

  40. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Nodakiddo: Ooooh!!!! Congratulations!!!! Nice one mamma!

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