Hellobee Boards


POAS September!!!

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @mrs. bird: Does this work for me at the tail end of the month?

  2. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @StrawberryBee: abso'friggin'lutely it does! Using your AF start date of yesterday, your edd would be July 6th & your second trimester would begin dec 23rd!! You could announce on Christmas & have a fourth of July baby! I think your cycle sounds just perfect hugs!

  3. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @mrs. bird: it's a plan!! (Thanks for figuring all that out!)

  4. AprilK

    apricot / 391 posts

    @ambular1025: So sorry about AF! Hope next month is the magic month Roll me over too, I got a BFN this weekend. Although my cycles are like 31 days, so maybe I'll just hop straight to POAS November. oy.

  5. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    9/1 Grace - Rollover
    9/2 Hanzabelle - Rollover
    9/3 Chibee - Rollover
    9/5 Alison2o6 - Rollover
    9/9 Snowflakebrit - Rollover
    9/10 Jennkam - Rollover
    9/11 bookworm - Rollover
    9/12 Mrstiz - BFP!!!!!!!!
    9/12 Icebergmom - BFP!!!!!
    9/12 Mcd919 - Rollover
    9/12 Wispy - Rollover
    9/13 Mrs. Lovejoy - BFP!!!!!!
    9/14 Dr.Pepper - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/14 Jenso125
    9/14 Mrsnana
    9/16 Jojogirl - BFP!!!!!!
    9/16 Maybebaby - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/16 Mrsdoily - Rollover
    9/16 Anonysquire - BFN
    9/17 Ali - Rollover
    9/19 Futuremama - Rollover
    9/19 Ocean girl - Rollover
    9/20 Mssally - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/20 Macintosh - Rollover
    9/24 Spaniellove
    9/25 Aprilshowers - Rollover
    9/25 Nodakiddo - BFP!!!!!!!
    9/27 Rachel
    9/28 Ambular1o25 - Rollover
    9/28 Red smarties
    9/29 Kentuckygirl - Rollover
    9/30 Strawberrybee - Rollover

    Mrs. Bird ???
    Lilteacherbee ???
    Crystaljoyce ???

    Anyone else need to be changed with dates or outcomes?

  6. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Well we are at the end of the month, see you at the pumpkin smugglers all the people rolling over!

  7. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    8 new babies to enjoy!! Awesome September. Good luck to all the October pumpkin smugglers!


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