Figured I'd get this going while we're nearing the end of August!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan this month:
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September?
Figured I'd get this going while we're nearing the end of August!
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle #:
Ovulation and POAS dates:
Baby #:
Your plan this month:
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September?
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Cycle Day: CD19, 2DPO (just need one more high temp to confirm!)
TTC Cycle #: 4
Ovulation and POAS dates: August 25 for O, POAS September 9 if my period doesn't come before that (expected September 5/6).
Last month we had a chemical pregnancy so I'm reluctant to test early, and we'll be out of town between the 3rd and 8th so it's a good way to avoid the obsession, I hope. But I might sneak a test at 9DPO on September 3 before we leave.
Baby #: 2, we have a 22-month-old daughter
Your plan this month: I used OPKs for the first time, which was interesting. We've been struggling with timing and pressure. If this cycle doesn't work we'll be moving toward the egg meets sperm plan/not worrying about the specific fertile time but aiming to have more frequent sex, more often.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? I just love the colder air, changing leaves (though we don't get it that much here), and the back-to-school feeling. Our anniversary is September 22, too -- and if this cycle doesn't work out that's when I should be fertile next time, which could be fun.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
Cycle Day: 18
TTC Cycle #: 2
Ovulation and POAS dates: I'm on CD 18 and still haven't ovulated. No idea whats going on. Seemed like I would last week, but I'm pretty sure it didn't happen (I've just been using OPKs and charting CM). Hoping it will happen soon, but I may just be having an anovulatory cycle.
Baby #: this will be our 2nd, I have a daughter who is almost 2 1/2
Your plan this month: If this cycle doesn't work out I'm going to start temping, which I did to conceive our daughter. I'm also continuing to get a handle on how my celiac disease (diagnosed in December) impacts my cycle. Given that diagnosis, and my recent cycles being so strange, I will likely go see my doctor if we aren't pregnant after my next cycle to do a few other tests related to the Celiac disease.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? I love autumn, and winter! I'm anxiously awaiting cooler days, and all of our fall traditions. And using our new wood stove!
grapefruit / 4418 posts
Cycle Day: CD9
TTC Cycle #: 1
Ovulation and POAS dates: I was O around CD 17 but last cycle was 10 days longer than usual so not sure what to expect this time. I only track cycles and some symptoms, no charting here. I'm in a wedding on the 19th so ill prob POAS on the 17th before I leave (CD30) but we will see how this month progresses.
Baby #: 2 DD is 18 months.
Your plan this month: BD EOD from now until af or bfp
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? Love visiting our local farm for apple cider and donuts! Nothing exciting planned for September except hopefully making a baby!
Good luck everyone!!
persimmon / 1071 posts
@MrsDragon: Thanks for making this! I was just thinking about the new thread this morning.
Soooo... this cycle has been REALLY screwed up, so bear with me while I *try* to fill this out.
Cycle Day: 55... ugh.
TTC Cycle #: 3-4ish
Ovulation and POAS dates: I think I may have ovulated Aug. 24... just based on cramping and pains. I'll start POAS Sept. 3
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: We just continued to BD as normal.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September?
Halloween, comfy sweaters & leggings, changing leaves, pumpkin EVERYTHING... the list goes on and on. Fall is my absolute fave! DH and my mom both have birthdays at the end of this month. A beaner would make a wonderful present!
apricot / 259 posts
Cycle Day: CD16
TTC Cycle #:3
Ovulation and POAS dates: Aug 29 (CD18) will POAS twice a day starting 8dpo (probably Sept 7)
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: I've been out of town on business this week so haven't been using OPKs (did bring my thermometer) and we'll only BD when I get back on on O-1 and O day but hoping that's enough or that I ovulate a little later to sneak a few more chances.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? Pumpkin spice lattes, cooler weather and leggings. fall is the best! We are doing the Kentucky Bourbon Trail with 4 of our college BBFs. My BFF is pregnant with a surprise baby(due a week before would have been with the pregnancy I lost) I'm super excited to see her and catch up but I'm nervous on how I'll keep my emotions in check around her. Although I'm super pumped to be an aunt her pregnancy is the only thing that still triggers me to think of my loss. It's also my husband's 27th birthday and our 8yr dating anniversary in late September so I'm excited to celebrate those
pomelo / 5469 posts
I'm in! August was a super lucky month with so many hopefully some will spill over to September
Cycle Day: 13
TTC Cycle #: 4
Ovulation and POAS dates: O-tomorrow, hopefully! POAS-9th.
Baby #: 2, DD is 23 months old.
Your plan this month: For the last 4 days we have DTD every night! Going to try and keep it up for a couple more days to make sure we have the best chance of catching ovulation this month!
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? We're going to Greece on holiday on the 9th, it's DD's birthday on the 18th, then we have a family weekend in a cabin in the forest at the end of the month for my Sister's 30th. Super busy month
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
POAS Dates
9/3 - WinterBee
9/9 - MrsDragon, Illumina
9/10 - My Only Sunshine
9/17 - Catomd00
TBA: Silva, ModernDayJibarita
(I'll try to keep up with this -- let me know if I made any mistakes!)
persimmon / 1129 posts
Ok jumping in with you ladies!
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle #: Third cycle we've actively tried since I miscarried in March.
Ovulation and POAS dates: O date might be today! Just going by symptoms. POAS date 9/10 but I'm an early and often tester so we'll see...
Baby #: 2 - we have a 23 month old
Your plan this month: DTD every other day this week and next just to cover all our bases since I'm not charting or temping.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? DD's birthday and our anniversary are both in September. The best month! I think my husband is going to cave to my "all pumpkin all the time" mentality and let me decorate the house with fall decorations this weekend.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
So last month I managed to relax my symptom spotting and accept the idea that things might not work so quickly. But now after the CP, I'm all of 2dpo and my googling has begun in earnest. I feel like I did on the first cycle again - I really desperately want to get pregnant this time, and am wavering between the thought that it could happen this month, and the thought that I should be more realistic. I think this is gonna be a tough one.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@MrsDragon: I'm sorry. It's such an anxiety producing process. This won't make the wondering, ruminating, obsessing go away, but I do remember from my first go round finding it helpful to have other things to look forward to during the TWW. Like coffee with a friend, a movie, something small that still feels like a treat.
I'm a hot mess right now too, though. Solidarity.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@silva I am so glad we're on vacation at the tail end of my TWW! Distraction during the last few days and distraction if/when AF comes, plus I need to clean and pack this week so maybe that occupy me,
pomelo / 5469 posts
@MrsDragon: this is me every month...I am like super chilled out UNTIL I'm pretty sure I've ovulated and then I'm constantly googling symptoms at x dpo!
clementine / 928 posts
Cycle Day: 11
TTC Cycle #: 5
Ovulation and POAS dates: O is around 9/8 POAS 9/20
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: OPK, raspberry leaf, preseed, BD fertile week, track CM and b complex after O
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Pumpkin everything lol!
Anything special happening in September? A few weddings but that's it!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@mrschickpea: Do you have any info on using B-Complex? I just read about it and am curious....
clementine / 928 posts
@Silva: I use it mostly during my luteal phase to lengthen it but I found if I use it earlier, it also helps with CM which I feel I'm lacking some months I am also very b12 deficient so I get it where I can!
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
I can join!
Cycle Day: 25 (waiting for AF to start over)
TTC Cycle #: 3
Ovulation and POAS dates: 9/14 and 9/29ish if nothing gets delayed since I had a chemical pregnancy a month ago
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: No plan. Just DTD as much as we want to prior to ovulation.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? I love Halloween but that is while away. Fall is my favorite season all together. I just love the way the air feels. Cool and crisp.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@MrsKoala: my CP only delayed ovulation by one day! Hoping you get similar results!
nectarine / 2527 posts
Cycle Day:16
TTC Cycle #:1 since my second ectopic in April
Ovulation and POAS dates: the 1st or 2nd
POAS either the 11th or 12th
Baby #: 2 DS is 18 mths
Your plan this month: temping, opks, and dtd every day during the fertile week.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Halloween
Anything special happening in September? Going on a family trip to celebrate MIL and her twin bday on 9/11.
clementine / 854 posts
Cycle Day: CD7
TTC Cycle #: 1!!
Ovulation and POAS dates: I think I will ovulate around Sept 9
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: track CM, OPKs, DTD as much as possible!
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? I hope to go for some nice walks in September. It's cooling down which will be nice. Sometimes it's too hot to go for a long walk in the summer!
apricot / 347 posts
Eeek! I can't believe it but we are officially TTC!
Cycle Day: 10
TTC Cycle #: 1!
Ovulation and POAS dates: Estimated O date is Sept 2nd I believe. I may start POAS as early as the 13th, but I'm going to try to restrain myself!
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: DTD frequently. This is our first rodeo so we are kicking it old school. Simply ditched BC (been using pull and pray before this for two years). No OPKs this go around but I am pretty good at telling when I'm ovulating based on my CM.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity Anything special happening in September? Hmmm I would say picking pumpkins and corn mazes! The changing leaves and getting apples from the local orchards is awesome too.
pea / 15 posts
Hey all!
Cycle Day: 25
TTC Cycle #: 4
Ovulation and POAS dates: Aug. 18 // Sept. 1
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Be positive and hopeful. Make an effort to call friends more.
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? Fave fall activity is decorating the house for all upcoming holidays. I am turning 32 at the end of Sept.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@MrsDragon: thanks! @Honeygold89: that would be awesome but if only one of us gets pregnant this month, I hope it's you!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
POAS Dates
9/1 - MrsLeanos2014
9/3 - WinterBee
9/9 - MrsDragon, Illumina
9/10 - My Only Sunshine
9/11 - Honeygold89
9/13 - Mrs. Peanut
9/17 - Catomd00
9/20 - MrsChickpea
9/22 - Shizaz
9/29 - MrsKoala
TBA: Silva, ModernDayJibarita
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Last night I had a dream that I got my period and I was so disappointed. My mind is totally playing tricks on me!
persimmon / 1071 posts
@MrsDragon: Last night I had a dream that I was pregnant, lol! My friend told me I was because I was getting freckle/moles on my arm, which is the #1 sign of pregnancy (in my dream!) haha.
I've been having soooo many weird dreams lately.
clementine / 854 posts
Oh I forgot to put, my POSS date will probably be the 22nd! Ah just so crazy and hard to believe this time to try has actually come!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Shizaz: I added it! That's my anniversary so I hope it's an extra lucky day!
apricot / 347 posts
I stocked up on tests today. It's way too early to test and waste them, but I'm getting excited! Wishing all of you ladies luck! I really hope we can get some BFPs this month!
pomelo / 5469 posts
For those of us who already have one LO, did it take longer to conceive than the length of time you've already been TTC#2? For me, LO1 was conceived the 2nd cycle...but really it was pretty lucky because I'd only just started using OPKs and I didn't have much of a clue as to when I was ovulating. I'm on cycle 4 of TTC#2 and already I'm having fears creep in my mind that something's wrong and it's not going to happen naturally.
persimmon / 1129 posts
@MrsDragon: I hear you on symptom spotting! I'm 4 dpo and had the craziest dream last night so of course I'm convinced I'm pregnant, haha.
@illumina: I feel the same way about TTC #2. We got pregnant right away when we started trying for #1. I had a CP that cycle, and then I got pregnant with my daughter the very next cycle. For this potential future baby, we've already had one miscarriage, one CP, and a few BFN cycles. It's so discouraging!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Cycle Day: 8
TTC Cycle #: 4 I believe
Ovulation and POAS dates: 9/8, POAS 9/20
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: dtd every other day during fertile window
For Fun: What's your favourite fall activity? Anything special happening in September? consignment sale 9/11 I always look forward to. 3 yr wedding anniversary 9/29
nectarine / 2527 posts
@illumina: # 2 has been different for us because when we ttc #1 I got a bfp the first cycle but had a mc and then the very next cycle got s bfp with DS but this time so far I got a bfp the first cycle ttc# 2 in November but found out it was ectopic in January so then we waited for 1 cycle like ob recommend and tried again the end of February and got another bfp the first cycle but that too was ectopic so we we're told to wait 6 months so we are on our first cycle trying again since the last ectopic
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