pomegranate / 3355 posts
@illumina: I hear you! We got KU'd first cycle with DD and now we are on cycle 4 for #2 and I am just trying to stay positive and figure maybe our timing was off. Although cycle 3 I used opk's and we had good timed BD. Going to try to have good timing again and maybe just up the frequency
clementine / 854 posts
Today is the first day off my period, and the day DH and I are officially going BC free! Last night all I kept dreaming about was POAS. Over and over. I don't know if I actually got a positive in any of those dreams. But I am so excited. I have waited for this time to come for so long!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Count me in as another one who got pregnant the first time with my first -- we weren't even really trying. I realize now how naive I was, haha.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
POAS Dates
9/1 - MrsLeanos2014
9/3 - WinterBee
9/9 - MrsDragon, Illumina
9/10 - My Only Sunshine
9/11 - Honeygold89, ModernDayJibarita
9/13 - Mrs. Peanut
9/17 - Catomd00
9/20 - MrsChickpea, ajsmommy
9/22 - Shizaz
9/29 - MrsKoala
TBA: Silva
persimmon / 1071 posts
I have good news and bad news.
The bad, it looks like I'm out this month.
The good, I finally got my period, on CD57. I started light spotting randomly a couple days ago, but it seems to be getting heavier now and I'm having lots of cramping.
I don't even know when or if I ovulated. My cycles are getting longer and more screwed up. It's frustrating, so hopefully I ovulate this month.
I'm considering starting to temp. When in my cycle am I supposed to start?
apricot / 259 posts
@MrsDragon: Sign me up to POAS on 9/11
Today is O day! I'm exceptionally excited since FF had predicted it as Saturday and I was upset since we wouldn't have had a chance to BD this cycle, due to being away on business all week. We DTD on O-3, O-2, O-1 and will most likely on O day as well. Crossing my fingers and toes that this cycle is it (especially since we'll miss next cycle due to work travel) Good luck ladies
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@WinterBee: I'm sorry AF came! Temping is good to start on CD1, but I know I've jumped in after my period ended... you just have to have enough temps before O for it to detect.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@WinterBee: Maybe you'll get another chance this month? Have you thought about using OPK in conjunction with temping? Might give you a clearer picture of what is going on.
kiwi / 633 posts
Sept was supposed to be our first month TTC #2 but it turns out we may have to wait a bit longer. I'll be here in the cheering section
@WinterBee: When I started charting I temped every day, even on period days. It helped me to establish a routine (which is important when you're groggy and half asleep!) and to get a good idea of what my true basal temp was. Once I had been doing it for a few months I'd give myself a break during cycle days and start on the day my period was supposed to end. Have you read TCOYF? It's an awesome resource!
nectarine / 2527 posts
What do you ladies think about the bottom test is it close enough to be a positive
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Honeygold89: I'd say go do it!! I also bet if you take a test later today it might be even darker but that one is very close and now would be a good time to dtd
pomelo / 5607 posts
@illumina: I'm just a poas stalker (we're done having kids), but chiming in to say all 4 of my pregnancies took about the same amount of time to conceive. But 4 months isn't bad! Fingers crossed for you.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@Honeygold89: Almost there but not quite positive. I bet it will be positive either tonight or tomorrow morning.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Honeygold89: to me it looks a tiny bit lighter but still close!
I'm 6dpo and noticed spotting/brown CM mid cycle for the first time ever today. My LP is only 11-12 days so I have no idea if this is good or bad...
persimmon / 1071 posts
@MrsKoala: I hope we get another chance, but it most likely won't be this month. I've always had around a 31 day cycle, last cycle was 57! The one before was 45, before that was 32... I'm seeing a trend of them getting longer and longer and it's worrying me. I'm thinking about charting now. I have never temped or used OPKs, the plan was to just see what happens until fall then get 'serious' about it.
@thismustbetheplace: Thank you for sharing! I haven't read it yet, but have heard wonderful things! I may do some research on temping tonight and buy a thermometer tonight.
kiwi / 585 posts
@WinterBee: Awww. I'm sorry. I was lurking hoping to see a positive update. I learned a lot when I researched all the temping stuff, so if you have any questions let me know!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@jh524: I don't knowwww! Augh. Haha. My wait till I'm late to test plan is likely going out the window.
clementine / 795 posts
Hi everyone!
Cycle Day: 14DPO
TTC Cycle #: 2
Ovulation and POAS dates: 8/17, 9/1
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: I am testing with FRER first thing tomorrow morning! I've been testing with ICs since 9DPO and today I think I got a faint line but it came up after about 10 minutes (test says check after 5) so I'm not sure if it was an evap. I've also been getting a little bit of brown and pinkish spotting for a couple days but no AF yet...
Fall is my favorite season! I can't wait for temps to cool down and the leaves to turn color (although I'm in California so we don't get as much of that here).
Good luck to everyone!!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Please look at my opk's. Is the bottom one positive or almost positive?
I'm cd9 and I didn't expect to o for a few more days (like next Monday) but I'm thinking this opk is telling me I'm going to o today or tomorrow. what do you think?? (btw i'll take another opk around lunch time today)
I'm thinking we better dtd tonight!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@BandDmommy: thanks!
@illumina: LOL.. we will tonight.. this + opk is throwing off my bd plan though! I was planning to jump dh thurs, sat, sun and then when I got a + but that's all out the window now and I'm feeling frustrated that we missed pre-O bd. Hoping if we dtd tonight it won't be too late
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Ajsmommy: lol! Just a word of caution...I know they say not to test again after your first positive but when I did opks I realised that I often had a false surge when I got an almost positive and then a couple days later got a true positive.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@illumina: oh really? good to know. I plan to test this afternoon and this evening as well.. soo if this is a "fake" surge the lines will not get darker? or will they fade and then start to get dark again in a few days? what was your experience?
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Ajsmommy: fade and then dark again. It really threw me because I thought I was going to ovulate early...then got another surge later. This was 3 months ago and since I've quite using them and just tried to BD ED or EOD for 10 days during that time!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@illumina: thanks! I'm new to the opk game bc my cycles have been off recently (of course right when we ttc). But I'm using them to try to nail down when I normally O. Clearly I'm still confused! LOL Last month I got + opk on cd14 and now this today smh
ETA: we'll dtd tonight and i'll keep using opks through cd14 or cd15 just to see what happens in case I get another surge
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
If I ovulated I'm 10 dpo. Tested negative this morning (early, obviously). Zero symptoms. With my daughter I was undeniably pregnant from 9 dpo based on my exhaustion/breast tenderness, but didn't test positive until 12dpo.
I'm going to be shocked if I'm pregnant this cycle, given how strange things have been and two instances of getting "glutened." Next cycle would be ideal timing- If I get my period reasonably close to when it's expected, and ovulate normally, I'd be due right at the end of my husband's residency- with enough time to still be covered by the hospitals insurance. And then he doesn't start his new job until half way through July, so we'd get some nice time at home. It's helpful to be positive about the next cycle, I know I sound crazy trying to time it all!
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@starlitsky: Did you test today?
@WinterBee: Temping is a commitment! I thought about it for a while but I like to sleep in so decided I couldn't go for it since I didn't want to wake up at the same time everyday. Hopefully, the 50+ day cycle was just a fluke and you are in for a shorter cycle this month.
clementine / 795 posts
@mrskoala I tested this morning and I thought I saw a super faint/light line but now I'm not sure and am second-guessing whether it was an evap line. It's my first time using FRER and I heard the new ones can get evap lines, so I'm nervous! Maybe I need to build up more hcg lol.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@starlitsky: You can always post a pic here so we can help you figure out whether it's an evap or not!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@starlitsky: post a pic!!
I'm all about the symptom spotting - some cramps, and tired enough to take a two hour nap today but I'm totally reading in to things!
clementine / 795 posts
Here's a pic! Let me know what you guys think...
I've been super tired with a dull headache all day... hoping these are signs but afraid to read too much into them!
nectarine / 2527 posts
@Ajsmommy: @MrsKoala: @MrsDragon: @BandDmommy: thanks ladies I got a darker line last night and then a for sure positive earlier today.
@Ajsmommy: looks very close to positive looks like we'll both be busy tonight! Lol
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