pomelo / 5660 posts
@Silva: I hate wondfos.. have you tried FRER? Though to be honest FRERs suck lately too... so many evaps..
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@BandDmommy: I'm getting lines on the FRERs too. I have one left, was going to use it tomorrow, which would be 14 dpo.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Silva: as long as they are getting darker on FRER.. I wouldn't worry.. Wondfos take awhile to darken
persimmon / 1071 posts
@catomd00: Thank you! This cycle I'm not going to try and 'find' my fertile week. DH and I will be BD EOD until either AF or BFP lol... It's going to be an exhausting month, especially with another 40+ day cycle haha.
After this month if my cycle is still wonky I'm going to make a doctors appointment.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@starlitsky: I'm sorry! It sucks.
@Silva: Wondfos never got much darker in my experience so I wouldn't worry about that.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
I think I'm rolling over to October. Was supposed to get AF today so that I could try this month and test at the end of September but no sign of AF... stupid chemical pushing everything back.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
@WinterBee: we were planning on EOD then DH decided every day was better for the next 2 weeks lol. Yesterday was day 3 and we were both already exhausted of it haha. We are once a weekers at best lol. It's going to be a long couple of weeks! I'm trying to pay a little closer attention to CM to have a better idea, too. If this doesn't work, I think I'll try OPKs next month because there's no way I'm going to marathon bd again next cycle!!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@catomd00: we did ED for 10 days when we conceived my daughter. It was exhausting. But I was charting so I knew ovulation had been delayed, and we just kept going until my temp went up. That would NOT be possible now, with a toddler in our life! Good luck!!!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@MrsKoala: I'm sorry. I'm expecting AF in a few days and if the chemical messes it up I feel like it's going to add insult to injury. hopefully you can roll over soon!
I feel pretty discouraged today. I'm pretty sure its not gonna happen this month. I really never expected to try this long! And I know it's not even that long in the grand scheme of things. I have no idea how to be patient and positive at this point.
grapefruit / 4418 posts
@Silva: I hear you on the tolddler front! We conceived her in one night accidently on CD23! I feel like I have been ovulating around CD17 now though but my long cycle last month threw me off! I pray this works this month!
grapefruit / 4418 posts
@MrsDragon: I'm not familiar with your background but the cycle after my CP was 4 days longer than usual. It then went right back to normal for the next few (until last month)...hopefully it doesn't throw you off too much.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
So I was feeling hopeful earlier this week but now, as I exit my fertile window, I don't. We only managed to BD ONCE! Wahhhh.... I was so certain we'd have better timing this cycle but as always, life happens. I guess there's still a chance but I feel like with only one "attempt" during the entire fertile window our chances are reduced! If I roll over to OCT I am thinking we should maybe plan a "baby making-cation" (not sure what to call it, is there a term??) where we go away for 2-3 days during fertile window so we can focus on DTD
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@catomd00: I had a CP last cycle - I'm charting so I know I ovulated a day late. Hopefully it won't affect my LP too much, because I'm ready to move on from this anxiety inducing cycle, hah.
apricot / 259 posts
@MrsDragon: *Hugs*
We are only on Cycle 3 and I'm already losing my mind We have 3 more months of trying before going in for testing and trying to gain some clarity on whats going on. CP on first cycle trying + family history + young age + regular cycle with recorded ovulation meant my Dr. was super supportive of testing early.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@catomd00: oh man, ED! We're also once a weekers and I cannot imagine how exhausting ED would be! Good luck!
@MrsDragon: I'm sorry you are feeling discouraged. I think it makes it harder since you "should" have been done TTC last month. It sucks.
@Ajsmommy: Once is enough!!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@MrsKoala: that's exactly how I feel - I'm 'supposed' to be eight weeks pregnant and instead I'm 90% sure AF is coming shortly (cramps and bloated).
@ModernDayJibarita: I may go talk to our nurse practitioner if we hit six months.
On the upside I have lots of cookies and chocolate!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@MrsKoala: thanks for the positivity!! you're right I shouldn't count myself out yet but I feel like a BD failure when I see others who do ED or EOD and we manage once, LOL...... we have intentions of doing EOD but it just falls apart when life gets in the way. Anyway, I will try to stay positive and see what happens, afterall we only did it once when I got my BFP with our DD soooo as you said it is possible.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Ajsmommy: it only takes one try! good luck! we only had sex twice during my fertile window (3 days and 1 day before ovulation).
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@Ajsmommy: Exactly! Both times I got pregnant, it was from DTD once. Fingers crossed for you!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
Thanks guys!! I'm going to be positive until I get AF.... Fingers crossed our one bd was it
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Ajsmommy: I had two pregnancies from BDing once in the fertile window, and one resulted in the sweet baby next to me!
@Silva: Wondfos take for-freaking-ever to get darker. I always liked using opk's early on (I tended to test a zillion times after a bfp) because they got darker faster.
apricot / 347 posts
@starlitsky: I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully next month will be better!
@Ajsmommy: That's how we are too! I think we really only managed once during the window. I'm not totally sure I ovulated on the 2nd. It may be today so I'm going to try to sneak in another BD tonight, but DH is sick so I'm not sure it's going to fly. Hopefully we can be one of those lucky ones to get KU on one night!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Torchwood: wait, how does that work? I will get a positive opk now?
I got a clearly visible pink line within two minutes tonight, after only holding for like 2-3 hours, so I'm feeling much better. I also called my doc today, which made it feel a little more real. I honestly was so shocked that it worked this month, given how strange my cycle and symptoms were- I think it's been hard for me to believe!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Silva: The hormones detected by hpt's and opk's are very similar. Opk's basically cast a wider net, so they can pick up either. Hpt's only detect hcg. So opk's are positive when pregnant.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Ajsmommy: my pregnancy right now and my last were both resulting from DTD one time in fertile window. Like you we have good intentions but it's hard! Especially with a toddler. Good luck!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Silva: I am 13dpo too and my positive on wondfo looks like yours. I had my first beta drawn today but won't know results for a few days. Looks like we are EDD buddies. I'm just waiting for someone to start posting in the May thread.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Torchwood: thanks!
@delight: congrats! We should be brave and start posting there...I'm going to be gone this weekend, but will have time Sunday evening. Hope your numbers look good!
grapefruit / 4418 posts
@Ajsmommy: fx!! It only takes one time! My DD was a one nighter and I know lots of people who had babies from a one time oops moment.
apricot / 347 posts
So I've been getting these sometimes fairly intense twinges in one specific spot in my lower stomach / uterus. It's been on and off all day but really picked up this evening. Could this be something or am I just over thinking it? I'm only about 4dpo or less. I think I may just be making something out of nothing.
nectarine / 2527 posts
@starlitsky: sorry lady hope next cycle gives better results.
@MrsKoala: yay for af hopefully you get a chance in September.
@Mrs. Peanut: I had the same thing happen to me yesterday I was 4dpo too who knows hopefully it's a good sign for us both.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Mrs. Peanut: Fingers crossed!
My temp crashed today - still above the cover line but low. Expecting AF any minute now. We should get another chance this month though! POAS in October.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Mrs. Peanut: it could be something...I get so many weird pains and twinges in the TWW that I try and ignore everything. Though of course I don't and end up googling everything!
AFM I've been nauseous the past 3 days...but other than that no strange symptoms this month for me. I'm 11dpo right now with AF due Wednesday probably.
persimmon / 1129 posts
Ah you guys! at 11 dpo. I've had one blighted ovum and 2 chemical pregnancies so we're cautiously optimistic.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
@My Only Sunshine: congratulations! Thinking all the sticky thoughts for you!
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