Hellobee Boards


POAS Thread 6 months + TTC: February Flutters

  1. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Boopers: I'm so sorry. I once had a 23 day cycle. Its no fair or fun.

  2. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Booo AF arrived. :(.

  3. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @littlek: Ugh, nooo. I had such hopes for you!

  4. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @littlek: sorry friend

  5. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @littlek: i'm really sorry I've even more sorry that she put you through the ups and down this cycle.

  6. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I'm feeling alright, better than last cycle. Since I've decided to take the next step it makes me feel a bit better even though I'm pretty nervous! I just need to actually call and make an appointment. I'm going to have to go to a new doctor, but the doctor I want to go to is one that my pregnant friend went to when she wasn't ovulating. This doctor sounds more aggressive and if there is a problem she will do something to get the ball rolling, so all I can do is wait and see what happens! Thanks for asking

    @littlek: so sorry!!! *hugs*

  7. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @littlek: Boo! Hugs! It's so much harder when AF teases you.

    We need some BFPs. One good story I heard today- someone who took 4 years and fertility treatments for #1, 2 years and fertility treatments for #2, and #3 was an oops when #2 was 5 months old. This gave me hope that even after 10 cycles, you never know.

  8. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @littlek: I'm so sorry, friend! I was so hopeful for you! This next month will be our month with our little turkey babies.

    @AmeliaBedilia: I love hearing stories like that!

  9. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @Boopers: sorry

  10. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @littlek: I'm so sorry friend

  11. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @littlek: so so sorry! Damn you AF!

  12. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    Seeing AF was way worse than I thought. I think it's just hard seeing all the posts of people who "accidentally" get pregnant and we have been trying SOO hard. I really don't know what we can do differently. Hopefully we will get some answers when we meet with the RE on Friday.

  13. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @littlek: I'm so sorry it sucks so much to have had that hope with AF being late. I know what you mean about being discouraged...what else can you do?!?!? Why isn't it working?!?! I tested this morning (9 DPO) and it was a BFN and I'm having all these thoughts too. Best of luck on Friday..hopefully the RE will have some insight into what's going on.

  14. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @littlek: I'm so sorry I hope you get some clarity on Friday

  15. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    @littlek: I'm so sorry. I was so hoping to see a different post from you this morning!! Hugs

  16. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Woke up around 8am feeling okay. Had coffee and an apple. Now, three hours lately the queasy feeling is back. Come one stomach, don't be getting my hopes up for nothing!! (Charts looking good compared to chemical too...)

  17. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I was thinking about your puke bucket image and wondering if this is your lucky month FX!!

  18. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @babycanuck: How attractive, right?! But I have to share my chart now... Current cycle vs. Chemical cycle.

  19. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @LindsayInNY: looking good! Sorry you aren't feeling well.

  20. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sandy: I'm sorry. :(. 9 DPO is still super early.

  21. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @LindsayInNY: fx so hard for you I can't wait for you to test your charts look good

  22. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @littlek: I totally understand that. Hugs

    @LindsayInNY: did you feel like this with the cp? I am so excited for you- your chart looks so good!

    @sandy: 9dpo is still early, so don't count yourself out yet!

  23. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    I feel like I'm running out of new ideas.. but here's our plan for cycle 7. Woot woot.. not...
    BD- EOD starting when AF ends
    No OPKs

    Wish me luck!

  24. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    @littlek: Good luck! That's what we're doing this cycle, too!

  25. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @littlek: EOD after AF ends sounds like a good plan!

  26. littlek

    GOLD / squash / 13576 posts

    @sandy: funny enough it was DHs idea.. I asked if work would interfere and he said he would make sure of doesn't.. He told me last night he thought we would be pregnant by now and he's starting to get frustrated.. Glad to know I'm not alone

  27. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @LindsayInNY: looks so good!!!

  28. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    @littlek: good man! It really does help when you're not the only one thinking about the TTC process.

  29. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Crystal: I had nothing with the CP other than being sick a day or two before I POAS. It was a different sickness than this time. I just don't know because it's so early now?

  30. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @LindsayInNY: that's why I'm even more hopeful for you!!! Hopefully this is a great sign of a sticky baby!

  31. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    @littlek: sorry honey, I just wanted to tell you that in dec after 7 months ttc we decided no opks and bd eod, and it was the month we got our BFP. It is never possible to relax when ttc, but not knowing when O was actually seemed to have helped us chill. Good luck! Fx for you next month, I look forward to seeing you on a due date board soon.

  32. deactivated_account

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts

    @Boopers: it sounds like seeing this new doctor should be a good and exciting (even if not first choice) plan. I really hope she provides some clarity and its great you have such a good reference.

    @littlek: EOD is an awesome plan and its even better that your DH is on board. I'm sorry you are feeling frustrated. I know the feeling!

  33. Mrs. Chickadee

    cherry / 119 posts

    @littlek: Sorry to hear but I hope the new plan works! I'm thinking of trying that out myself!

    Hope everyone else is doing well! I'm not on the boards as much as I'd like to be, but I like to say hi and see how everyone is doing when I can. Hoping to see some BFPs this month

  34. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @littlek: I'm so glad your DH is on board, and that you have a plan in place you can both work towards. Good luck!

  35. Freckles

    honeydew / 7444 posts

    @littlek: Sorry friend.

  36. Snowdrop

    pear / 1846 posts

    @littlek: moving on from month 6 is hard! Sending you lots of hugs!

    @LindsayInNY: Looking good!

  37. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @littlek: I'm so sorry this wasn't your month. I was really hoping for you. I hope EOD knocks it out of the park for you. Hugs @LindsayInNY: FX for you!!!

  38. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @sandy: sorry about BFN. Hope it's late implantations.

  39. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Your chart looks promising......prayers to you for a BFP and sticky baby!!!!!

  40. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @littlek: I truly have the same idea as you BD EOD tonight was night #1 except I will use OPK I am curious if I will even O on my own.....

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