Infertility is a very sensitive topic, and it's very easy to get hurt feelings if you're going through it, or trying to be a supportive friend.
Those of us going through it (1 in 8 couples) are at a very rough time in our lives, and many of us have recently had a miscarriage (or more than one). Many couples may be spending their entire savings in hopes of fulfilling their dreams of starting a family.
We have no hard feelings for those who have been lucky, but we do wish everyone understood how to be sensitive to our feelings.
So when posting to the IF boards here on HelloBee, please remember that the ladies (and men?) reading these posts are extra sensitive. Please don't tell us to relax. Don't ask us if we've tried X Y and Z. Don't tell us how easy it was for you to get pregnant. Just be supportive and cheer us on when things are going well.
Here is a great link to read on how to be supportive to your IF friends:
And a video that gives you an idea of what it feels like:
Anyone else with great resources, please share!