Those of you who pump often/exclusively- how often do you clean your pump parts? I wash them after every session, but they're almost never 100% dry by the time I go to pump again, and I know it's less hygienic to hand dry than to air dry. I think I read something about storing parts in the fridge at work- so do those of you who pump at work store the pump parts in te fridge in a Tupperware and get less cleanings out of it? I couldn't figure why else you need to store pump items in the fridge. This is probably just wishful thinking- I'm just going crazy with all the cleaning/drying and disassembling/reassembling.

Also- the little flap rubber valve/membrane thing- hoe often do you have to replace it?

ALSO- Mr Bee if you are reading this, in the guides, the pumping supplies one incorrectly links to a different guide about breastfeeding. I couldn't comment on the guide page so I didn't know how to let you know.