This morning I combed through the entire house and car, trying to remember all the nooks and crannies I stashed "just in case" diapers, and packed up all the size 5 and 6 diapers to give away.
Because Wagon Jr. is POTTY TRAINED.
I didn't post earlier because I didn't want to jinx it, but we are now 5 full days accident-free (his last accident was Tuesday morning) so I think I'm safe.
I have a HUGE blog post in draft mode about this... to be edited and added to by Wagon Sr. since he did most of the work. And I should also mention he's slightly traumatized by the entire experience. Between the sleep deprivation (he gets up with me at night to feed the baby) and the potty training, it hasn't been a very fun paternity leave week for him... he is totally not himself, snapping at people and being really snarky and sarcastic. But we both agree that it was totally worth it... I cannot believe we are getting rid of all the diapers.