Could someone please commiserate with me??? D will be 3 in a week and is expressing mixed signals about the potty. He very rarely tells us when he needs to go, but when he does go on the potty, he is really proud of himself. He recently started not allowing us in the bathroom with him because he wants to do it himself - he shuts the door, sets up his little potty, pulls down his pants, takes off his diaper, and sits down, then comes out to announce "I did it!" or "I tried!" He's been working on potty training since a little after he turned 2, since at daycare they start putting them on the potty when they move into the 2yo classroom. He was doing really well for a little bit, but then seemed to regress. Now he's coming home from daycare usually with "tried" and "wet" circled on his paper for each potty, whereas a few months ago there were more "dry" and "potty" circles.

Hubs is SUPER frustrated, and keeps trying to put him in underwear, but then gets mad when D pees outside of the potty. I have to work this weekend, and Hubs wanted to put him in underwear, so I said "you should move the potty downstairs and have him sit on it every 30-60 minutes." Well, he didn't, and D peed, and Hubs got mad. I try to tell him he can't yell at him, or say things like "Don't you want to be a big boy like so-and-so and wear underwear?" That's not helpful.

D has hit most of his major physical milestones late - he didn't crawl till the week of his 1st birthday, and he didn't walk till he was 18.5 months old. To me, this is just another milestone he's hitting on the later side of average. But Hubs is really frustarted because with Baby #2 due to arrive within the next few weeks, he wants D out of diapers, because he can't move up to the next class (which is like $30 cheaper) until he's potty trained, and he hasn't counted that extra money in his budget. I really don't want to have to be buying diapers for 2 kids, either, but...I'm not willing to make this a battle.

My other thing is, let's say by some miracle we get him trained before the baby comes - it's almost inevitable that he'll regress once the baby is born. So I almost feel like why push it? We have 3 months until Babygirl goes to daycare. A lot can happen in 3 months.

Any thoughts? Tips? I mean, D gets the concept of the potty. He's interested. He's really proud of himself when he does go on it. He just doesn't seem motivated. Is it worth pushing it at this point? With both of us working full time, it's been hard to carve out a weekend to do an intense "boot camp" type situation, but maybe once I'm home on maternity leave I can make it work. I'm not sure what else to do.