I'm on day 5 of potty training my LO (29 mo). I'm following the oh crap potty training method. We did block one for two days and we are on day three of block two. It's going pretty well, but I need advice about prompting. Yesterday, LO went pee five times - two were self-initiated and three were incidents where he peed a little bit in his pants (a very small amount) then stopped and held it and said "I need to go to the potty" and then went on the potty. Today he only peed three times - once was self-initiated, second time was prompted, and third time he peed a lot in his pants and then said, "I'm peeing" but then held a little bit and got that into the potty. 10 minutes before this, I promoted him and he sat, then quickly said he didn't have to go. I need advice about prompting.. Usually when I prompt he sits on the potty for 5 seconds and then jumps up and says "I don't have to pee". He has been doing pretty well so I thought maybe I should prompt less because it didn't seem to make a difference and I'm worried about resistance, but now I'm second guessing that and wonder if I should prompt him more regularly and make him sit for longer?? I worry that will make him resist.. But the fact that he only went three times today makes me wonder. Thoughts?