LO is 22 mo and in daycare 3 days a week (home with me the other days). We never intended on trying to potty train early but she's been showing increasing signs by day that she's ready! I read the Oh Crap book which makes me feel like we need to go with it, though I'm not sure their methods are a perfect fit for LO.

I would go for it, but the problem is I talked to her daycare and they said that while they have a little potty area in the room and would take her whenever she asked or at certain times, that it has never worked for any kids in that room (junior toddler, 16-24 mo) because all the other kids are in diapers. She said it's not worth it until she moves rooms. However, LO won't move until she's 26 mo because she shares her spot with toddler who is younger so they compromise on moving rooms.

Part of me says, okay, wait, what's the rush! Do it when daycare is on board. The other part of me says, carpe diem! If the baby wants to go for it, it will only be harder to do it later! Make daycare work for us. The teachers always seem frazzled and I partially wonder if they told me that because potty training kids are a pain for them.

LO this weekend, of her own accord, has peed in the potty 2x and pooped several times. She will actually get on the potty and try to poop even if she doesn't need to, just because I'm using the bathroom and she wants to do something! She seems super aware of what she's doing when she's on the potty and you can see her trying to go and she'll look to see if she put anything in the potty and wants to dump it in the toilet to flush. She still happily goes in her diapers, but she almost always wakes up dry from her nap and can hold it for up to 3 hours. Her only downfall is that her verbal language isn't quite to potty training level (no where near singing the ABCs like OCPT says!) but she's a really good communicator and her receptive language is great.

Potty training veterans - what say you? Carpe diem or wait for daycare to get on board? We're not in a rush, but who doesn't love to be out of diapers (though we do cloth so the $ isn't really a factor) and I want to make this the easiest it can be!