What are your best tips for potty training? I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. My son is 3 today (happy birthday!!) and he has been using the potty for months, but only when we tell him to. He does not tell us when he has to go and has never initiated potty time. We give him his favorite candy when he goes and I bring him to sit on the potty frequently during the day, but he will just push out some pee and a tiny poo, claim to be finished, then do a big poo in his diaper 10 minutes later. he also chose his own potty seat.

We've been floating along like this for a while but my breaking point was on Saturday when he pooped so bad in his swim diaper that we had to leave a party. It was his third poop of the morning and we had sat on the potty multiple times and talked about not pooping in the pool. He loves to poop in pools and it drives me crazy!!

Anyway, what am I doing wrong? We are only using positive reinforcement but he just doesn't care enough about praise and candy.