My 32 month old is in a weird (to me) place with potty training. About a month ago, she started wanting to sit on the potty all the time. As far as I could tell, it had nothing to do with needing to go - she seemed to love sitting there and reading books, and she would get supremely excited when she would pee, which would be about 50/50. We asked daycare to start putting her on the potty, still keeping her in pull ups, and she was fine there but nothing would happen, and at home it would be sporadic.

While snowed in last weekend, we decided to try actually potty training. She picked out her own big girl underwear and ran around the house in them for the day. No accidents at all, and we would have her sit on the potty every 30 minutes-1 hour, and usually she would go when we sat her down. The only time she refused was when she had to poop - she has a very specific "concentrate and hide away" process and wouldn't poop until we gave her a diaper. What I didn't see, however, is any recognition of what it means to "have to go." So we went back to pull ups and doing regular sits.

I'm not sure what this all means. Since she's not recognizing that she has to go, does that mean she's not ready? Should we push harder on actual training? She has a hard time stopping whatever she's doing to actually go, so sometimes it becomes a fight to even get her to take a break. She's not resisting the potty at all, but that "need to go" thing isn't clicking.

Thoughts? I'm not in a huge rush but I would ideally love to get this kid trained so that we can move her to the 3s room at daycare in June, where they require that they're mostly trained.