Okay so I know I've posted about this before but we are officially potty training our son, who will be 2 and half this month. DS has little vocabulary (as in he doesn't form sentences) he is in therapy. He has shown signs of being ready, such as staying dry and taking off diaper if it is full.

MIL is taking on the challenge during the day but I need some tips from you ladies. I know some do only underwear, some do pull ups.

This is how a normal work week is, maybe it'll help on giving us tips. DS is woken up at about 6:50 diaper is always full. We then drive to MIL house, we arrive around 7:20. He will then be in the car with her and back to her house at about 9 the latest. Leaves the house again at 2:30 and back by 3:30. Then picked up at 5:30ish and get home at like 5:50. When he goes to bed he usually gets a sippy with milk, which we want to wean him off of.

My concern is all the traveling, so pull ups would be best but will it set him back? And night time, he usually comes to our bed and I don't want to clean pee from the mattress every night.
