Let me just say I've been through potty training with my oldest, (he's 11) and it was a long, drawn out struggle, so I'm trying to avoid that this go around. I started (with my oldest) before he was ready I think, and that made it all the more worse. And I made the mistake of using Pull-Ups, so I'm also going to avoid those when possible this time. (Except maybe on prolonged outings, away from home, etc.)
We're using a much more laissez-faire approach this time, involving a good amount of bribery and good-ol' reverse psychology. It's working so far. Buuuuuutttt, here's where we're running into trouble. He doesn't want to poop on the potty. When he feels a poop coming on, he throws an all out fit for a diaper. We're talking full-scale meltdown, Chernobyl style until the diaper goes on. Frustrating to say the least. And I know, I know, we shouldn't give in to the tantrum, but dammit, man! And the only reason we have the diapers still in the house, is because he doesn't stay dry every night. (Even when we limit his liquid intake after a certain time in the evenings) So not having any at all is not an option right now.
Any suggestions?
Fwiw, LO is 3 and 1/4, and he pees on the potty like a champ.