Hi, I'm new here but am looking for others to provide some insight.... I'm positive that I have PPA, which I believe evolved from PPD. My LO is 9 weeks old. The first couple of weeks I was running on adrenaline. The next couple of weeks the adrenaline crashed and I was a mess, experiencing horrific feelings of regretting having the baby, resenting LO and DH, and self-pity. Then it evolved to PPA, where I started to have literal panic attacks when I would hear my baby cry in the MOTN. Now, I believe the frequency of the panic attacks has subsided (but still there once in a while), but I do still have anxiety when he refuses to nap. Which happens often.
I sought counseling (ok, i've only gone once but I have another appt tomorrow) and didn't find it too helpful. I did get a prescription for Ativan to help with my anxiety, which I've found useful a handful of times so far.
I guess I want to know if others who have had PPD and/orPPA have found Zoloft to be helpful in addition to Ativan or Xanax? The thing about Zoloft is that it takes 4-6 weeks to kick in? I'm wondering if I need it because I don't really feel depressed, and I feel that in 4-6 weeks, I might be feeling better since that will be when my baby should theoretically be sleeping more (and mommy will be, too!)........
I don't have a history of depression or anxiety, so this is all new to me. I just feel bad that it has to be about my baby, who's innocent in all this. But I am truly, really miserable......